"Let me set your mind at ease, beautiful boy. One day soon, you'll beg me to come inside you." He taps his finger on Kid's hole. "Until then, you'll appease me with your submission or I'll rid myself of the nuisance you present. Am I understood?" Kid's affirmative reply is softly spoken between them. "Good. Now...what is this?"

Kid's face is a study in misery. He shatters like glass and his voice sounds just as broken. "My pussy."

"And whom does this pussy belong to, boy?"

"To you," Kid submits.

"All together, boy. I like to hear it." He slides his finger over Kid's perineum and around his hole in a never-ending circuit.

"Please," Kid begins before the look on Felipe's face gives him pause and he gives himself over fully. "My pussy belongs to you, Felipe."

"And are you going to let me fuck your pussy one day, boy?" His question is met with silence, and then...

"Yes." It's barely audible.

"Say it."

"I'm going to let you fuck my pussy." Kid appears surprised by his own words.

"Yes," Felipe whispers with a hint of triumph, "we understand each other now." He unzips his pants with his free hand while the other carries on its previous attentions. Laughter rumbles out of him as the younger man startles and his boy pussy instinctively shrinks away from his formerly--and deliciously subconscious--accepted touch. "There's just one more thing left to do, and then you may have a reward."

"What are you gonna do?" Kid mewls. He is every bit his nineteen years--all man on the outside, still a boy in his heart.

Felipe is struck by the young man's innocence. He was satisfied before, but for the first time has no doubts he had nothing to do with the attempted rape or beating of Caleb's slave. Kid may have been associated with a group of drug-running outlaws, but the boy is no man of action. Not like Felipe, or Rafiq, or Caleb--if they are wolves, Kid is a wounded lamb. A delicate feeling takes up residence in his chest and quickly travels south. He will show mercy, he decides. "Celia has marked you. I will as well." He can't resist rubbing his hard cock against Kid's flaccid one. The younger man's gasps and whimpers are sure to become an aural fixation. "Be a good boy and keep your eyes open. I like looking at you. Don't be so sad." Felipe pants. "You're mine now, my prize, and I'll take care of you." All of this foreplay has him in quite a state. Celia is magnificent with the boy. She plays both the simpering imp and the predatory succubus with sublime elegance. Seeing them together was an exercise in restraint. "We will cherish you as the lovely boy you truly are. Celia will act as your new mother, I will be your new father, and you shall be the obedient son we can never have."

21. Kid

"You're sick!" Kid sniffles. The older man is masturbating on him--circling his asshole--and he has the audacity to implicate himself as Kid's father? "My dad never!" Kid is tempted to tell Felipe to go fuck himself, but he doesn't. There is no purpose in tempting Felipe toward doing more with his finger than teasing. He can do this. He can get through this ordeal and... And what? I have nowhere to go and I'm too scared to die. I'm a coward, a fucking pussy. He opens his eyes again and lets Felipe take his fill of his despair.

22. Felipe

Felipe chuckles. "Of course not. There's nothing incestuous about what we'll do with you, boy. I'm simply offering what you clearly lack--a mother figure to hold you, and a father to guide you--approval they can no longer give you--discipline you never learned."

"You're...crazy! You can't just treat me like some kid; I'm grown." Kid is a weeping mess, but he's careful not to curse.

"Not to me!" Felipe groans and plants his face in the crook of Kid's neck as he comes in thick spurts over the boys genitals. He smells Celia. Pressed along the younger man's displayed body, he indulges in the mingled scents of semen, vagina, and Kid's fear-tinged sweat. He moans, and much to the relief of his new bedmate, slides his finger away from the boy's pussy. He leans away to look at his new ward; he's exquisite. Celia knows his preferences remarkably well. Kid is flushed all over with embarrassment. His sobs echo around the room. Still, the boy keeps his eyes on Felipe. Belatedly, he gathers up some of his fluids from Kid's stomach and brings them up to the boy's mouth. "Show me what a good boy you're going to be for me."

Kid recoils with a violated shudder. "Come on, man." He outright screams when the force of Felipe's open palm sends his face to one side.

"That is not how a good boy replies!" Felipe reprimands, even as he uses the same hand to soothe the red mark on Kid's cheek. "Don't you want to be my good boy?" he asks more softly and sighs when the only response is an elongated cry. He's not made of stone. "You're going to be a willful little boy, I can already tell." Felipe infuses as much tenderness as he can manage toward Kid into his words. He strokes the boy's hair until he has his breathing under better control. "There," he croons, "there's my boy. He's so good. So brave. Deep breaths...that's it. Be brave for me now. Be the good boy I know you are." A wave of haughty satisfaction crashes over him and he laments his inability to get hard again so soon as the boy slows his breaths and lets his eyes gently glaze over. He scoops up more come.

23. Kid

Kid doesn't know why he opens his mouth to Felipe's fingers; the act seems natural. The taste faintly registers. He hears only praise and feels only comfort. Kid wants more gentle touches, more worshipful words spoken softly into his ear...more...more...more. I can be brave. I can be good. Don't leave me. I'll be good. I'll be good. I'll be good. The older man has him enthralled.

24. Felipe

"Such a sweet boy." Felipe kisses the boy's sweaty head and runs his comecoated fingers though his mussed strands. He is completely unsurprised by the way Kid leans into the possessive touches. It's obvious what the younger man has been missing and Felipe intends to give it to him. And if Felipe takes what he craves from him in return, well, he supposes it's only as it should be. "You were perfect, Kid. I couldn't have asked for a better boy." Kid whimpers. "Would you like your reward?"

"Yes, Felipe," Kid says in monotone.

"Very well, after I bathe you, I will take you to Celia and you may sleep with her in her bed. I know she's eager to apologize for thrashing you in front of our guests...but it was the only way to convince Caleb and Rafiq to place your punishment in our hands. Forgive her, won't you?"

Kid sniffles, "Yes, Felipe." He adds, "Thank you," unexpectedly.

"You're very welcome." r />

25. Celia

"Celia," Kid whispers in the dark. "I know you don't speak English so good, but do you understand it?" He curls himself, nude and still damp from his shower, closer to Celia.

"Little bit," she replies gently. "I grasp more than Felipe suspects, but less than he would like. Do you understand me?"

Kid huffs sarcastically, "All I got was 'Felipe suspects' and 'do you understand me'. Is that close?"

"Little bit," she replies. She grins into the boy's hair and keeps stroking him. Her young lover suffers so superbly. Just the thought of cracking him open and forcing him to spill all his pain into her waiting lap has her achingly wet. Felipe is such a good master. He gives her only the best offerings...and she only accepts the ones of benefit to her master in equal measure.

26. Kid

Celia rolls her hips and Kid shudders. Sex is the last thing he wants and the only thing he can think about. He's been rescued, molested, beaten, and maybe raped--he's not sure if a dildo in his mouth counts. It's been a hell of a fucking day, and all he wants is for this striking, cruel goddess to hold him like a fucking baby and rock him to sleep. "I'm scared," he says lowly. "I know men aren't s'pose to say stuff like that, but...every time I close my eyes, I see blood." He's fairly certain Celia doesn't follow what he's saying, though, the way her arms pull him closer so she can kiss his temple suggests she recognizes what he needs. "My whole life is over, like I never existed. I'm gonna die here and no one is even gonna care."

27. Celia

The boy is sobbing again, and no matter how sadistic Celia can be, she cannot abide him thinking he's worthless. She and Felipe will humiliate the boy in every conceivable fashion, but they will never let him think he is unwanted or unworthy. He is precious. "We care," she says fervidly and tips the boy's chin back so she can stare into those pleading blue eyes. "Felipe and me, we are good to you. You our good boy." She bites his lips playfully. "So pretty."