Desire rips through him voraciously. Celia smells decadent, like syrupy fruit and musky arousal. His tongue darts out experimentally and savors a hint of salt that only whets his appetite. Visions of his lips latched onto one of her little nipples as he fingers her pussy lash him with want! He rattles his restraints. "Please," he growls. His cosseted body thrusts in time to a litany of accented, lyrical praise: Beautiful good...all for me. There is something depraved happening; his cock is engorged in equal proportion to his childlike elation at Celia's words. Kid marvels at the way his pain simmers as his pleasure mounts. Sensations, both painful and forcefully pleasurable, radiate outward through his body. Celia's gentle hands and tenderly spoken whispers are his entire world, a world where his mind is both separate from his body and completely attuned to its needs. He wants to stay forever. Forward and back, his hips work to keep his rigid flesh in Celia's hands.

"Greedy slave," Celia whispers into his ear. She brushes her nipples against Kid's chest. "Would you like to suck me?"

Kid nods. Yes! Anythinganythinganything. "Yes, Celia." Celia removes her hands from his cock to tease his mouth with a pebbled nipple and a cruelly spoken order to suck. Kid opens his mouth. He moans, loud and unabashed. His cock jerks in midair. His pain forgotten, he latches on and suckles Celia in long, ravenous pulls that have her gasping and pulling his mouth closer.

"Yes!" Celia cries, "Suck harder."

Kid obliges, drunk on sensations he can't name. He only pulls his mouth away to breathe or switch breasts. There is a loud pop as Celia pulls away. "No...wait." Kid stumbles and is caught and steadied on his knees by Felipe's surreptitious henchmen.

Celia returns before he descends into panic and places a hand on Kid's head to hold him steady. "Now, suck this."

Something not Celia nudges Kid's lips and taps his teeth. He rears back like a spooked horse, shaking his head in the universal sign for 'What the fuck are you doing?' and 'Stop it'. Celia doesn't bother to take his body language into account. She raises the flogger and strikes him across the chest with so much force there is a collective wince in the room.

"Suck it!" Celia repeats. Kid opens his mouth on a frustrated sob. There are entire years he has forgotten and there are days he knows he'll never forget; half of them have occurred in the last few days. The second he acknowledges he is on his knees in front of a room full of people, sucking a huge rubber cock, sporting a diamond-hard erection, and making little noises that sound somewhere between 'Please fuck my mouth harder' and 'Please, God, no more'--Kid's cock throbs and leaks a generous surge of slick.

"Yes," she chuckles, "you are good boy." Her small hand cups the back of his bowed head, and with the other, she hooks her thumb into his mouth beneath her cock. She strokes his tongue and pulls him closer.

Kid can't help but imagine what everyone else can see--a weeping boy with genderless features sucking a cock attached to a girl half his size. There is laughter every time he gags and Kid sobs around the cock in his mouth, but he is almost sure he's weeping for the wrong reasons. He's enjoying this--taking pleasure in his own suffering. How did it happen? Why is he fucking loving it, and hating it, and needing it?

By the time Celia gives the order to set him loose so he can fuck her, Kid doesn't give two goddamns about doing it on the carpet in front of a room full of strangers. Blindly, he reaches for her and tosses her to the ground with brutish force. He revels in her abandoned cries, in the way she spreads her legs and opens her arms to invite him close. She makes no attempts at all to stop or guide him. She gives him everything. Everything! And she's right--Kid is greedy. His hips tilt back, gauging. He thrusts forward into Celia's pussy. They both whimper as he pistons in and out of her slippery heat. He thrusts, and he thrusts, and he thrusts until his balls feel heavy and tight.

"Ah...ah...fuck...oh...mmm...gonna come...yeah, oh yeah...God!" He comes hard and long with his face buried in Celia's neck and his body holding her immobile in his desperation to fill her with his seed. Celia offers him words of encouragement that set his soul on fire. "Yeah," he pants wetly. "Immagoodboy...mmmgood...I'm...feel high."

Celia kisses his damp head and shields him as adequately possible.

20. Felipe

"You did very well tonight, boy." Felipe's thick fingers brush along Kid's lips. The boy snatches his head away and Felipe chuckles. "You don't like that, do you? I imagine such a pretty mouth has many admirers?"

"Fuck you," Kid replies hastily. The boy is blindfolded and shackled spread-eagle against the cold tile of Felipe's black playroom shower; his pale skin is stark in contrast.

Felipe wants this boy in every way imaginable. He finds himself charmed by his childlike petulance; he reminds him of Celia--without the cunning. "Language," Felipe tuts silkily, "such filth shouldn't come out of such a pretty mouth." Again, his fingers cannot resist skimming over the tremulous pout of Kid's sinful mouth. The boy sniffles and turns his face away. "Still don't like it, I see," Felipe rumbles. "Celia is correct; you reek of corruptible innocence. It is...tempting." He leans closer to Kid's shackled body, presses his nose into the soft flesh at the center of Kid's ribcage, and inhales slowly. "Or perhaps I only smell my Celia on you. If I go lower, I suspect I'll smell her womanly juices on your little boy cock." He revels in the mingled scent of feminine arousal and the boy's own acrid semen scent. His mouth is watering.

Kid's muscles tremble beneath Felipe. The boy whimpers and presses himself against the wall at his back as though it might give way. He has to recognize the futility of his attempts at modesty, but Felipe appreciates his new lover's beguiling efforts. A predator prefers his prey to run. Felipe's tongue darts out to gather a taste of skin. He groans low and fierce. Ambrosia.

"F-F-Felipe?" His beautiful boy pleads, "Please...stop. I don't want this."

Felipe's tone is pure amusement. "You don't want this?" He stands with his hands on the younger man's hips. Kid is an inch or two taller; he can likely feel Felipe's breath just under his chin. "You agreed to belong to me."

"To Celia," Kid whispers. Felipe's fingers dig into his hips.

"And to whom does she belong?" There is a thinly veiled threat in the words. He presses bruises into the tender skin over the bones of Kid's youthful pelvis. It doesn't take Felipe long to hear the answer he is looking for and he relents. "That's right, you ungrateful boy, she belongs to me, and so do you--if--I desire it." And oh! He does. "Or, if you prefer, I can always return you to Caleb; his girl isn't much use at the moment."

"No! Please, no. I belong to you. Do whatever the hell you want, but please keep that goddamn psycho away from me!" Kid thrashes in his restraints. "He killed Tiny! He! He..."

"Shhh, shhhh." Felipe moves quickly, surprised by Kid's genuine panic; he aligns himself along Kid's splayed body and closes the distance between them to keep the younger man sandwiched tightly between him and the shower wall. "Of course you belong to me, boy, of course." His words are mawkish, but effective. Kid's breathing slows, his muscles relax, and after a few minutes, he surreptitiously nods his head.

"Just do it already." Kid shudders. "I won't fight; I can't." His breath catches several times before he says the words that both shock Felipe and make his cock leap painfully in his trousers. "But...just...don't be a dick about it. I've never..." He can't even say it without bursting into tears. Kid's penis remains flaccid between their lower bellies.

Felipe's voice, once he's capable of speech, is dangerously deep and lustily rough. "Language, boy, last warning." The older man grinds his erection against Kid's cleanly shaven genitals. "And just what is it you've never done that has you flushing so beautifully for me?" He breathes in through his nose. "You smell delicious, like Celia's unappeasable pussy." He whispers in Kid's ear, "I wonder if your pussy will be as good as hers."

"I don't have a pussy," Kid whines.

"No?" Felipe coos. "Then what's this?" He circles the tight pucker of Kid's anus with one spit-slick finger. His boy's pussy is small.

"It's my asshole," he sobs. "You know it's my asshole. Stop it!" He devolves into wails of despair. "I didn't do anything! Please...I didn't do it."

Felipe decides to remove the blindfold, unsurprised when the boy asks him not to--it's his only shield against his own debasement. Kid keeps his eyes determinedly closed. "Open your eyes, pretty boy; let me see." A moment later: "Right now." When Kid remains disobedient: "Do it, or I'll open you without lubrication." Felipe's finger continues its gentle twirl around Kid's rim.

Seemingly calling upon every scrap of self-preservation, Kid timidly opens his eyes. Felipe gives him time to adjust to the bright light in the room reflecting off the onyx tile. The boy doesn't dare to acknowledge Felipe, just keeps his eyes on the drain in the floor.

Felipe's arousal reaches new heights when confronted by the younger man's timid responses to having his tight little asshole gently worked. The boy's warm breath puffs across Felipe's cheek with every muted gasp and subsequent exhale. Felipe gently prods his rim and Kid shuts his eyes tight and whimpers. Felipe's head falls forward so he can whisper things in a litany of Spanglish against his young lover's neck. "Open your eyes. I know, sweet tight...Celia...clever girl...we're going to have so much fun with you." Felipe is starting to sweat and his finger gets bolder with every pass over the boy's hairless pucker.

"Lube!" Kid bellows. "You promised." Fat, salty tears and watery snot trickle toward his quivering mouth. He keeps his eyes to the left of Felipe and focused on the floor; they close briefly as Felipe's palm cups his moist cheek and turns his head to face him. Felipe stares into vibrant blue eyes.