"Good boy," Celia says, as though mimicking Felipe. She moves to take a step forward. Felipe puts his arm out to stop her.

Felipe addresses Kid with a deadly seriousness. "Hurt her, and I will take my time gutting you." Kid shuts his eyes. There's the stick. Instinct bids him to gather his body closer, hide his soft parts, and play dead, but he knows it won't do any good. He only has two options: Obey or die. Instead, he forces himself to breathe slowly and nod. He is meek as a scolded child under Felipe's scrutiny.

"Felipe!" Celia reprimands. Mischief twists one side of her mouth into a half-smile before she straddles Kid's hips and sits in the cradle of his spread knees. Her bare pussy rests against Kid's barely thickening cock. "Please?"

Felipe kisses her upturned lips. "I know, my dear. I promised."

16. Celia

Celia thanks Felipe in Spanish before she refocuses her attention on Kid. The boy beneath her is terrified, but pliant, willing to do anything if Celia will set him free from his suffering. She rocks her hips back and forth, tiny thrusts that rub her clit against his cock. She ignores his aggrieved whimpers as her slight weight reignites his pain. She only cares his cock is finally getting hard. Still, she keeps her tempo steady and predictable so Kid can brace slightly when she pushes back against his balls.

At length, Kid finally catches Celia's rhythm. His whimpers drift toward reluctant moans and his hips timidly thrust. Beneath his moist lashes and swollen lids, Celia can see dilated pupils. No doubt dehydrated, hungry, and delirious, Kid is finally getting some relief from his suffering.

"Mmmph," he cries. His timid thrusts get a little more pronounced. He's doing it. He's spreading like a whore for his kidnappers. Celia groans filthy and low in his ear. She owns him.

"She likes that, boy," Felipe whispers intimately. "She likes your little boy cock getting hard for her. "Verdad que si, Celia?"

"Si, Felipe," Celia hisses and grinds down on Kid's cock. All he does is moan.

Felipe's low, throaty words continue. "Fuck a little harder, boy. Show her how hard your rosy little cock can get. It is not often she gets to play with such pretty toys.

Is he handsome, Celia?"

"Yes, Felipe," she whimpers. "Pretty boy."

17. Kid

Kid is being used, molested, but his body only appreciates the way he's floating above his pain. Yes, his cock is hot and pulsing, but it's the rush of mind-numbing pleasure he gets with every thrust that rules him. He can't help himself; he's a living, breathing mass of pure need. His cock surrenders precum in spite of his dehydration. Maybe they'll give him water. He thrusts more confidently. Maybe they'll feed him. He whimpers, pushes his cock through the slickness gushing from Celia's sopping pussy. Maybe she'll let him sleep in her bed. Maybe she'll slide his dick inside and let him come. His balls tighten at the thought and another series of whines escapes him.

Celia leans forward. Her breath quickens and her chest is slightly tacky with burgeoning sweat as it makes contact with the side of Kid's face. Her hard nipples drag against his neck. Kid is too far gone to contemplate sucking on Celia's tits. He is too out of his mind to acknowledge she is sucking Felipe's dick as he stands to the right and behind his shoulder. If there's drool dribbling on him as Celia gags on Felipe's cock, he ignores it. He feels no pain.

Celia says things Kid doesn't comprehend or take notice of until a masculine hand lands in his hair. "She wants to know if you like this." Felipe grins and tugs Celia's face toward his cock.

Kid shouldn't have looked up. Felipe's cock is big, bigger than Kid's for sure, and there's just no way it won't hurt. He's not going to take it well, probably cry like a little bitch the whole time. "Oh, God," he cries. "Please stop."

Celia whines around Felipe's thick, uncircumcised flesh. "Shh," Felipe comforts. He strokes both their heads. "Don't be scared, boy. I wouldn't defile your pussy in such squalor. I can wait. Apologize to Celia."

"I'm sorry, Celia," Kid says without hesitation. He's not going to say anything about his 'pussy'; his scarlet blush is comment enough. With the threat of rape removed for the time being, he's too relieved to fight. He's close to the end, and oblivion waits if he can just get there. He keeps his hooded gaze on Celia sucking Felipe's cock like a porn star, unable to resist thrusting his own hips as Felipe tells him again what a good boy he is for making Celia happy.

All the praise is screwing with his head. Kid can barely hold himself together. The urge to come is overwhelming. Thoughts of his own cooperation humiliate him, excite him, destroy and remake him. Felipe tilts his face up and Kid stares up into calculating green eyes. He doesn't look away, even after Felipe removes his hand from the younger man's head.

"So good," Felipe groans, eyes fixed on Kid. Abruptly, he pulls away from Celia's mouth and moves behind her. He pushes Celia forward until she and Kid are resting one another's heads on each other's shoulders. He reclaims his hold in Kid's hair, pushes into Celia, and comes.

Shock assails Kid, lust quick on its heels. Above him, Celia cries out as Felipe thrusts into her ass. She rolls her hips rough and fast, milking Felipe's cock. Seconds later, semen trickles onto Kid's throbbing erection and his sore balls tighten sharply. Pain, not pleasure, ripples through him with every shot of come pushed onto his own stomach.

Kid passes out before shame can find him.


18. Celia

Celia watches Reynaldo's back intently as he carries Kid's limp, unconscious body up the stairs. The young man's long limbs dangle and sway with each step, but their head of security is careful not to let any part of the boy bang against a wall.

She's deeply pleased by the latest events. Behind her, Felipe runs a hand up and down her leg as they walk up. "Well? What do you think of him? I think he's wonderful--beautiful, open, achingly sweet, and did you notice how your orgasm affected him--it was his trigger."

She can hear the smile in Felipe's voice when he replies, "I noticed. I also took note of your reaction to him--you're smitten. Admit it."

Celia giggles. "Perhaps a little, but no more than you. You're not the only one with eyes." She looks over her shoulder to deliver a cheeky wink before returning her attention to Kid's bouncing feet and shapely legs. A smirk tugs at the corner of her mouth.

"You recognize my preferences better than anyone, my dear. How can I resist?

It works in our favor Rafiq is occupied with the woman. Our only obstacle to keeping him will be Caleb, and I'm fairly certain his imposition in our lives will provide me the leverage needed to convince him the boy should remain with us. He will want the boy punished though; you know that."

Celia's brows furrow and her mouth twists in disgust. "Yes, we'll make it a spectacle of humiliation. Though, if Caleb is anything akin to Rafiq, I'm not sure I'll be able to stomach his presence. That poor girl he's kidnapped...I cannot wait for the day we are no longer beholden to men like them; they disgust me." She halts her steps and turns when she no longer hears her master walking up behind her.

Felipe is serious. "Do I still disgust you, Celia? I'm no different than they are."

Celia sighs wistfully. She takes two steps down to her master and wraps her arms about his neck. "Please don't say such things. They hurt me."

"I will ask the same of you." Felipe speaks tenderly.

"Yes, master." She kisses her lover's strong, firm, and domineering lips--so different from the boy's. She is a slave to these lips.

They walk the rest of the way to Celia's room in companionable silence, fingers interlaced.

19. Kid

Fear is a constant emotion in the wake of Kid's capture. Released from the dungeon and dragged upstairs into a lavish mansion complete with chandeliers and Persian rugs, Kid has no illusions about an end to his torture. Every moment is tense. Every touch, nefarious.

He isn't allowed to wash himself; Celia scrubs him down and shaves him from nose to balls while Felipe watches menacingly. The older man smirks when Celia demands Kid spread his ass cheeks for he

r to remove the sparse blond hair around his asshole. Kid doesn't dare to breathe as he complies. He fights back tears as Felipe compliments his 'shy, pink hole' and 'virgin pussy'.

Kid is tempted to grab Celia and hold her under water until Felipe agrees to let him go, but he knows he'd never get away, and truthfully...Celia is kind of nice--still a perverted cunt--but genuinely concerned with Kid's well-being. She's very gentle with him, careful not to nick or cut, always sure to show him what she's going to do next. She cleans his scrapes, kisses his bruises, and offers reassuring words in a language Kid only ambiguously understands.

Afterward, he is wrapped in a black silk robe that smells faintly of cologne and fed a familiar meal of seasoned steak--precut--rice, and beans. Kid chews slowly, the way Felipe asks, because he doesn't want stomach cramps. He's rewarded with more praise and three Vicodin. He even manages a mumbled 'thank you' to his gracious captor.

Washed, fed, and medicated, Kid is in no condition to refuse an invitation to lie in a frilly and enormous bed. He can hear Felipe speaking to him--Kid's body is made for pleasure--he must obey--continue to be a good boy and show off his pretty parts--he belongs to Felipe and Celia--obey--obey--or suffer. Kid allows his mind to descend into his nightmares, more comforted by them than his reality.


Celia speaks. Felipe translates: "Put him on his knees and lock his wrists to his ankles." There's applause.

Kid digs his heels into the floor. He's blindfolded, gagged, and surrounded by strangers. He panics, struggles against the men forcing him to submit, incensed by the laughter of his sadistic audience. A low warning is whispered into his ear, "The master said to remind you what can happen if you're not a good boy."

Hesitant knees find their mark and Kid allows himself to be bound. Whatever's going to play out in the next few minutes, Kid would rather believe it can't be as horrible as the alternative. Please, God, don't let them pass me around like a party favor. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.