11. Felipe

"I didn't care about the money," Kid sobs. "Uncle Mike...Tiny." The boy appears at a loss for words and Felipe supposes he can't really blame him. The young man has been through quite an ordeal the past couple days. "I couldn't leave Tiny. He's...he was my family," Kid continues solemnly. "We were just supposed to do what we always do: run a few kilos of cocaine and pot across the border. Once a month, like clockwork. No one ever gets hurt. No one ever...no one...and then..."

"Hmm," is all Felipe plans to say on the subject, but then he adds, "You didn't know with whom you were dealing."

Kid shakes his head. He still doesn't know. "Please, just tell me...are you going to kill us? Me? Nancy?" He's completely despondent. Felipe finds it...rather adorable--not the young man's suffering so much, but that he has no guile. He must have been a terrible criminal.

"You haven't answered my question yet. What is it you want most? Death? Revenge? Your freedom?" Felipe's tone is much too jovial for what he's asking. It earns him a baleful look from Celia. He shrugs.

The young man considers Felipe's question for a long while before he takes several deep breaths and shudders out a reply. "I can't have what I want most," he whispers, still unable to open his eyes. "There's no one left to love me." When Celia shifts him, he readily takes comfort in her awkward embrace.

"Devoted and sentimental," Felipe muses. "There may be hope for you yet." Felipe paces; his shoes make shuffling sounds along the concrete floor.

"He's perfect for us, Felipe. Don't you think?" Celia continues to place butterfly kisses on the boy's head. Felipe enjoys seeing her this way. Saliva gathers in his mouth as he gives her an infinitesimal nod.

"You're quite handsome under all those bruises, aren't you, boy?"

12. Kid

Kid hasn't thought much about his nudity, but he does after Felipe's comment. It's hardly the first time someone has mentioned Kid's appearance. As far back as he can remember, he's been complimented on his near-platinum blond hair and striking blue eyes. Kid has his father's strong build, but he's looked like his mama from day one. The girls have always gone crazy for him--and a few men too. He remembers his dad poking fun at him over his pouty lips and inability to grow more than sparse facial hair.

Kid also remembers his father's warnings about men who would take advantage. More than a few times, some asshole has tried to grab his dick in a men's room and had to be reminded what the word no means. Regardless, he's never thought of his looks as a bad thing, not until he found himself helpless. He forces himself to remain languid in Celia's embrace as he begins to cry, in the hopes it will solve his problems--no matter what his dad taught him.

13. Felipe

"The way I see it," Felipe begins, "your options are limited. I can't let you go, but I have no use for a hostage." Kid sucks in a breath and huddles closer to Celia as Felipe continues. "You've trifled with some serious people, boy. They're the kind who buy and sell fine-looking creatures...like Kitten, whom your friends have ruined, and occasionally, blond-haired and blue-eyed boys...like you."

"Please," Kid pleads, "just--"

"However! Let me finish, boy. Occasionally, masters find it difficult to part with their slaves." Felipe cannot resist a pointed look toward Celia. "So difficult, in fact, they keep them for themselves and spoil them rotten." Celia's tinkling laughter brings a broad smile to Felipe's lips.

"Am I spoiled, Master? Perhaps you should take me in hand and teach me humility?" Celia bites her bottom lip and drags her gaze possessively over Felipe's form.

Minx! Felipe is just about to respond in kind, when Kid interjects.

"What does that mean?" Kid asks. "I don't understand what you're saying!"

"It means...Celia has asked me to consider you," Felipe snaps. "Don't interrupt. I have no time in my life for insolent pets. No matter how attractive they are. Comprendes?"

Kid nods.

"Good. Your options are these: find it within yourself to submit to Celia and to me...or I'll leave you to Caleb and his sadistic master. They'll most likely kill you...or worse." He kneels beside Kid, purposely crowding him against Celia and the beam at his back. "You see? I am not a nice man, boy, but I can be fair. I'll spare your life, and in return, you'll surrender it to me as Celia did many years ago." He pulls away and stands.

14. Celia

Celia is aware she shouldn't like this as much as she does, but there are some pleasures she simply won't deny herself. The young man in her arms is quaking, muscles locked up tight. She reaches for his exposed penis and cups him firmly.

"What are you doing?" Kid rears away from Celia's neck. "Not there!" He presses his knees together and struggles in his bonds. It's useless, and all he's done is trap Celia's hand between his legs. Her fingers continue to stroke him, slowly, gently, and as enticingly as she is capable, which--in her estimation--is guaranteed to rouse this beautiful boy in her arms.

"Shhh, no llores pobrecito. Don't cry." She drops her voice to a husky whisper and nuzzles the boy's ear with the tip of her nose. "There's no need to be afraid. I have you now. Give yourself to me, sweet boy. Let me take care of you." Kid's muscles gently relax as he is lulled by her tender words, but his passion remains uninspired, even after several minutes.

"You're not doing what Celia wants," Felipe teases. "Is she treating you too kindly?" On silent cue, Celia applies greater pressure.

"Stop!" Kid hisses. "Please...I can't." He thrashes, and Celia immediately reassures Felipe of her safety. Her master is not easily convinced, but neither is he easily deterred.

"Celia, the boy would rather take his chances with the others." Felipe speaks as though he hasn't a care in the world save for his own amusement. Celia knows his ploy.

She resumes her previous less abrasive touches, and presses her lips to Kid's ear. "Come with me. Come for me." She's mildly irritated by her limited English. It forces her to use clipped phrases that undermine her intelligence.

"I can't," he says lowly, but his head finds its way back onto Celia's shoulder. "Hurts...they hurt me."

"Focus on the pleasure and the pain goes away," Felipe suggests. "Celia, I think he may need more encouragement than your tender affections can achieve. Perhaps it would be best to simply move things along? He's going to acquiesce; he has no choice. It's cruel to keep him in suspense, don't you think?" He smiles and Celia will swear she can see the devil in his eyes.

"By all means, Master, school me in the ways of seducing shy young men." She mirrors his Cheshire grin, eyes locked on his as he crouches in front of their quarry.

Kid yelps when Felipe's strong, masculine hands pull his knees up and apart. "What are you--" Celia's arm curves around his head to cover his mouth. Kid heeds the warning and cuts himself off from further protest.

"Do not be escared," she says in her accented English. She knows the idea of being fucked petrifies the boy, perhaps disgusts him, but she is convinced he only fears and abhors what he has never allowed himself to experience. Felipe is a skilled lover. She can attest to his prowess.

Celia grins as Kid buries his nose in her neck and deposits a series of pleading kisses against her sensitive flesh. She rewards him with encouraging sighs and light touches for several minutes before she extricates herself to stand. "Open your eyes," she says firmly; she and Felipe are in this together.

15. Kid

Kid forces himself to obey as much as he's able. With his head craned back and his eyes half-open, he stares up into the faces of his new captors. He'd been expecting...well, he wasn't sure who he'd been expecting, but not the two looming over him. Felipe looks to be in his late thirties or early forties. Kid raises a brow, soaking in the fact Felipe is wearing a flamingo-pink suit. He's going to get fucked by an old guy in a pink suit. Fucked by a man with dark, salt-and-pepper hair and a five o'clock shadow that would take Kid a mo

nth to grow. Fucked. By a man! The floor is suddenly very interesting.

Felipe laughs. "Don't worry. I'm not offended. I'm a lot more handsome if you like men. You obviously do not." He smiles when the younger man meets his stare and gently shakes his head. "Yes, I know, but let us not forget about Celia."

Celia is...well...Kid's embarrassed he couldn't get hard for her...and that he cried. A lot. She's wearing nothing but a tiny pink tube dress, and raven hair is pinned away from her face to reveal dark eyes rimmed with darker lashes, a delicately pointed nose, and full red lips. Kid unwittingly calls to mind the kiss they shared and her possessive touch upon his flesh. Shame is swift on the heels of the unwanted pleasure that trills though him. The humiliation lasts long enough for him to remember she's the kind of sick bitch to jerk a guy off against his will. Kid surmises she's older than him by five to seven years. He gauges her height at a measly five feet. Felipe was smart not to let her come alone; Kid could easily overpower her, even in his weakened state, and is just panicked enough to have tried.

"Like what you see?" Felipe tilts his head toward Celia.

Kid averts his eyes. "I guess," he murmurs. He isn't going to admit to another man, a lunatic, that he thinks his girlfriend--or slave--is ridiculously hot.

Felipe pats Kid on the head, chuckling. "Smart boy." Both men focus on a simpering Celia. Felipe tsks; it's meant to be an admonishment, but only fond amusement shines through. "Celia doesn't like your answer. If I were you, I'd answer her properly." Felipe clarifies, "Yes, Celia, or no, Celia." He winks before he stands.

Celia wastes no time in pulling her slight pink dress down toward her waist to expose her small breasts and raspberry-colored nipples. She tugs on the modest peaks until they tighten. "You like me?" she asks.

Kid can neither deny his desire nor abandon his instincts. The nicer the carrot, the more brutal the stick--and Celia is one hell of a carrot. He licks his lips, wishing they weren't so dry. He looks at Felipe before he answers, cautious. "Yes, Celia?" He relaxes some when they smile.