Page 84 of King of Clubs

“Is that so?” She turned to me with a cruel gleam in her eyes, and I immediately averted my gaze. “Take off your panties.”

I hesitated for second, but then did as I was told.

“Show me this exceptional pussy of yours,” Roxanne demanded. Head bowed, I spread my legs apart, wondering why the hell I’d agreed to do this. Why couldn’t I have just hidden under the bed and waited for the right moment?

The Red Queen stepped closer, reaching out to slide her fingertips up and down my outer labia. Then she spread it apart, narrowing her eyes.

“Such a pretty little cunt, although it’s not as pretty as mine.”

“Nobody’s cunt is as pretty as yours,” Ransom agreed, and I couldn’t help feeling a brutal sting of jealousy. Even though I knew he was lying, it hurt.

Unless he wasn’t lying.

No, I couldn’t think like that.

“Is her pussy as tight as mine?”

“Not even close, my queen.”

Again, that sting of jealousy hit me harder than it should. He’d better not be lying. I was starting to get pissed off.

“Let’s just see about that.”

Before I knew it, Roxanne’s finger thrust deep inside me, coating itself in all the slippery arousal that Callister had created down on the dance floor.

“My, my, she’s certainly slick in there. I can see why you’re so impressed with your new toy, Ransom.”

I closed my eyes, hating her pumping her finger in me, wishing it was Ransom’s or Callister’s exploring me instead. Fucking bitch didn’t even bother to take off her ring...

Suddenly I grinned, humming to myself.

Still pressing against my inner walls, Roxanne let out a contemptuous laugh. “I hate to say it, but I don’t think her cunt is very tight at all—oooh!”

She didn’t think I was tight?

I’d show her.

I clamped down on her finger as hard as I could, imagining a literal vise inside my pussy. Roxanne gasped in surprise, her eyes widening in shock as she tried—and failed—to pull her finger out.

“Ransom!” she hissed. “Control your toy!”

“Off the bed,” he told me, pointing at the floor. “Now.”

I pulled Roxanne’s finger out of me, then rolled off the bed and stood near the headboard, obediently waiting for my services to be needed.

My stomach twisted into an anxious knot as Ransom gently pushed Roxanne down onto the edge of the bed. His hands ghosted over her bare skin, teasing her nipples as his mouth feverishly made its way down between her thighs. In the reflection of all the mirrors around us, I watched her long legs spread open as he bent forward to deliver his delicious heat, bathing her clit with his skillful tongue.

Anger burned through me at watching the incubus do what he did best. If it had been any other random, nameless woman, I wouldn’t have cared. But it was Roxanne, the Red Queen who’d made everyone in Wonderland miserable. She’d killed Callister’s brother. She’d tortured him. I saw firsthand what kind of sick, twisted evil she was capable of.

Roxanne let out a throaty groan as Ransom slipped two fingers inside her and continued to lick and suck. His gaze met mine, his eyes burning with intensity.

I couldn’t read his thoughts, but I knew exactly what he was thinking.


I shuddered, then blinked as I took in the sight of the Red Queen’s neck, vulnerable and exposed on Ransom’s bed. The strings of rubies fell down her throat like the trickles of blood that were destined to replace them. Her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure as she sank her fingers into his hair. Her forefinger still glistened with my clear, slippery wetness.

Fucking cunt,I thought to myself.We’ll see who has the last laugh. This is Ransom’s house...and the house always wins.