Page 81 of King of Clubs

“Holy shit—how did she do that?” I whispered to Hatter. “Isn’t Dinah human like me?”

“No. She’s fae like me,” he replied. “No relation.”

“Why is she here? What if it’s to identify me?”

“You’re mostly likely right, but that’s why the middle of a masquerade ball is the perfect place to be,” he assured me. “You’re not alone.”

I swallowed hard, my mouth gone dry. But Hatter was right. I’d seen my reflection and had barely recognized myself.

I could do this.

And I wasn’t alone.

I watched Roxanne lift a finger of warning to Ransom, then use her fingertip to trace an ‘X’ over his heart before dragging it down his chest.

“But know this, Ransom—if I find out that you have lied to me, there will be hell to pay."

"Duly noted," he replied, sounding almost bored. “Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like from me. Anything that I actually have in my possession, that is,” he added with a seductive wink. “Otherwise, enjoy the masquerade."

With that, he stepped away, disappearing into the crowd. I followed him as long as I could, but Roxanne was such a commanding force that it was impossible for me to look away from her for very long.

"Soldiers," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "Keep your eyes peeled for Alice and her known accomplices, Chess, Hatter, and Callister. They may very well be here tonight, or soon will be. This is quite the spectacle.”

My heart hammered in my chest as I watched the soldiers fan out across the casino floor. Their eyes scanned the crowd with ruthless intensity, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed...

Leaving me feeling like it was just a matter of time before they found me.

“Was I convincing enough?”

I gasped and whipped around to see Ransom standing behind me. I almost smacked him, but I stopped myself in time. The last thing I wanted to do was draw attention to myself.

“You were fantastic,” said Hatter.

Even Callister gave a reluctant nod from underneath the hooded cloak he wore. Being covered in so many distinctive tattoos, it was the easiest option. The deep hood covered his teal hair perfectly.

“She seems more interested in getting fucked than turning your club inside out.”

“It’s true,” said Chess from above us. He was still invisible, floating around like a cloud. “She’s already giving requests to the sex performers.”

“Lovely, simply lovely,” Ransom hummed as he waved a hand over his glass and replaced the champagne with water. “So far, everything is going to plan. Did you see how she ran her fingers down my chest?”

“That doesn’t mean she wants to fuck you.” I resisted the urge to glare at him. “It looked like she wanted to rip your heart out.”

“Give her some wine and some time, and she’ll definitely want this,” he said with a smug smirk. “Then I’ll bring her upstairs where you’ll all be waiting to carry out the rest of the plan. It’s brilliant.”

“It’s risky. I wasn’t expecting so many soldiers.”

Ransom glanced down at me, letting some of his dark hair fall into his eyes. Fuck, he was gorgeous. I don’t know why he even needed that magic ancient Ring of Temptation.

“Have you ever been a soldier?”

I shook my head.

“They’re away from home for months and months at a time. They get bored. They get lonely. They get tired of draining their balls into their own hands.”

Callister and Hatter snickered and nodded in agreement.

“Now they’re at The Rabbit Hole, where every desire they can imagine is just waiting to be enjoyed. Waiting to be had...again, and again...and again. How hard do youreallythink they’re going to look for any of you? Why, there goes one of them right now. They’ll be dropping like flies in no time at all.”