Page 79 of King of Clubs

“Fine. As I just said, Roxanne and I were lovers a long time ago. Dinah has always worked as her spy, keeping track of different Alices throughout the ages. I never paid much attention to that until I learned that this Alice was different from all the others.” He paused as he glanced at me before continuing. “I started fucking Dinah for more information, but then Roxanne found out, and, as you can imagine, became insanely jealous. With me so far?”

“Yeah, but how am I different from the other Alices?” I asked. “Is it because I’m not a kid anymore?”

“No, but the reason isn’t important right now,” he said with an impatient wave of his hand. “Roxanne was furious when she learned that I was fucking Dinah, so she lured me into a night of passion. She must’ve drugged my wine, because I fell into such a deep sleep afterwards that when I woke up, my ring was gone.”

“But you’re wearing your ring,” Callister pointed out. Ransom lifted up his hand, showing off his gold pinky ring.

“It’s a replica. I wear it so that nobody suspects the original Ring of Temptation is now worn by the Red Queen.”

“She has yourring?” Callister hissed. “No wonder she’s more powerful than ever!”

“I don’t understand,” I cut in. “What’s the big deal about this ring?”

Hatter turned to me, conjuring himself a cup of tea.

“The Ring of Temptation is an ancient relic imbued with the power of seduction. It’s the same power that all incubus demons have, only in concentrated form. Whoever wears it has a magic field of attraction around them. It’s a bit like a love spell.”

“It makes you bend over backwards to please them,” added Callister. “You’re more pliant. More willing to do their bidding. You’re less likely to resist them or stand up for yourself.”

“And given that an incubus feeds on sexual energy, this ring is rather useful for Ransom to have,” said Chess. “But it would be too much power for any other creature. Especially a human. And giving that power to an unstable human like the Red Queen would be disastrous.”

“Now you know why I never told anyone that she stole it from me. My plan was to kill her and take back my ring and nobody would be the wiser,” Ransom quietly admitted. “I’m partly responsible for why things have become so dire in Wonderland this time around.” He rested a sympathetic hand on Callister’s shoulder. “She never killed the Red King until now. I’m so sorry about your brother.”

Callister shoved his hand away like it was poison.

“Eat glass,” he snarled through his teeth. Ransom took a step back, but looked him squarely in the eyes.

“If it would bring him back, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

Hatter took a long sip of his tea, then nearly spit it out.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Was it too hot?”

“No, I just had an idea. Ransom, why not just fuck Roxanne again, drug her wine, and steal back your ring?”

Ransom shook his head.

“Believe me...I’ve tried getting it back on multiple occasions. But she’s so paranoid that she won’t let me anywhere near her.”

“I guess it’s a good thing she’s on her way,” Hatter quipped. “We should probably set up the masquerade ball while we still have time.”

* * *

I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement mixed with my fear as I watched Ransom, Chess, Hatter, and Callister use their combined magic to transform the casino in a matter of minutes. The walls seemed to melt and shift before my eyes, taking on an opulent, otherworldly appearance. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling bloomed into giant, multi-colored, crystalline flowers, casting a dim, seductive glow over the entire club.

The staff and guests of The Rabbit Hole were transformed as well, their clothing turning into elaborate, erotic costumes. Masks appeared on their faces, adding an element of mystery to the sensual atmosphere. I’d lost count of how long I’d been at The Rabbit Hole, but it was long enough that I felt totally comfortable wearing my bunny mask and a black push-up bustier. I added a pair of black lace cheeky panties with gold satin bows on the hips, and a pair of platform stilettos with gold bottoms.

From behind his mask, Hatter’s blue eye blazed brighter than I thought possible as he looked me up and down.

“It’s a good thing you weren’t wearing that upstairs, or we never would’ve come down.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll wear it again. Just for you.”

Even if only for a moment, I let myself be swept up in the magical wonder of it all, temporarily forgetting the danger that loomed just outside the casino's doors.

"Remember, everyone," Ransom said, his voice heavy with concern. "Stay alert, and stick to the plan. Chess, we’re counting on you to be our invisible eyes and ears.”

“I won’t let you down,” he said from somewhere above my head. I glanced up, but there was nothing there.