Page 77 of King of Clubs

“Honestly...I go to Hell for fifteen minutes, andthisis what I come back to? Tsk, tsk, tsk.”

“It was done purely in the name of restoring our health and sanity," Hatter chimed in with a cheeky grin.

“Sure it was,” teased Chess, shaking his head. But fondness lurked in his eyes as he gazed at his friends.

And at me.

With his perpetual feline grace, he curled up in one corner of the sofa across from me and Callister, his gaze sharp as it swept over the tangle of limbs in front of him.

“Why, Callister...” he purred as he sniffed at the white cloud of pumpkin spiced smoke. “You look as though you’ve shed your old skin.” Suddenly he frowned. “What’s that on your face?”

Callister reached up with his free hand, inspecting his cheeks and forehead until a laugh rolled out of Chess’s grin.

“Never mind. It’s just a smile. No wonder it looked so strange on you.”

Callister shot him a nasty look, but it quickly melted away into a satisfied smirk.

“I see you found the sword without any trouble,” said Ransom. He stepped closer and held out his hand, but Chess ignored him.

“What is that in your hand?” Callister asked as he brought the cigarette to his perfect lips. “Is it a book?”

The grin on Chess’s face disappeared, replaced by a clenched jaw.

“Of sorts. It’s a diary. But oh, how I wish it was fiction.”

Ransom’s head snapped in his direction. He swiped out to snatch the little black book from Chess, but the Cheshire Cat had anticipated the move and abruptly disappeared.

“I have no time for your games, Chess,” he warned with a growl.

“Ah, but you have time to fuck Alice the moment I leave the room?” came Chess’s reply to my left. Then his voice drifted to my right. “You could’ve fucked her in front of me for all I care, but clearly you enjoy keeping secrets from me...from all of us, really.”

Hatter frowned in confusion.

“What is he talking about?”

“Fuck if I know,” Callister shrugged.

I finally climbed off his lap, astounded by what I saw in the mirror. My inner thighs were completely painted in transparent streaks of white and purple cum. I stared at my reflection and imagined that my body was as clean as the moment right after Ransom had hugged me.

Then I was.

Next, I imagined myself wearing black yoga pants, white sneakers, and a basic white t-shirt. If I needed to run from the Red Queen’s army, I wasn’t letting a stupid dress get in the way.

“I told you to get the Vorpal Sword, not dig through my private possessions!” Ransom snarled at the air above his head.

“I didn’t snoop through your things,” Chess replied, still invisible. “I was looking for the sword like you asked me to. The diary tumbled off the shelf right in front of me. Only the Fates could’ve made it fall open to averyparticular page. How long have you been working with the Red Queen?”

A tense silence fell over the room as we all turned to Ransom. His usual calm demeanor was fraying at the edges.

“Ransom...what’s he talking about?”

“It’s none of your fucking business!” he snapped at me. His eyes were so cruel, so cold, that I was completely taken aback.

Callister flicked his cigarette aside, then slowly rose to his feet, positioning himself between me and the King of Clubs. I watched as a fresh set of new clothes wrapped around his hard, lean, rejuvenated body, covering most of his tattoos.

He lifted a powerful arm and raked his bright teal hair back into its signature pompadour, then rested his hands on his narrow hips. He squared his shoulders, jutting out his chin.

“I’m making it my fucking business.”