Page 3 of King of Clubs

He flipped me onto my back and crawled on top of me, his massive weight pressing me into the unforgiving marble and pinning me in place.

He loomed over me, his huge wings furled around him like a billowing cloak...his horns curling around him head like a satanic crown.

And all the while, he was grinning in satisfaction like he actuallyenjoyedseeing how terrified I was of him.

Like he fed on my screams and my fear to survive.

The sick fuck.

I beat my fists against his chest, but it didn’t seem to affect him at all.

If anything, he reveled in my struggle.

“I could take you right now...hard...and without mercy,” he murmured while gloating from above. His hair hung in his dark eyes like the gorgeous devil or demon I suspected he might be. His fingernails raked against my skin like gentle claws, coaxing a flood of heat into my core. “But that would be too easy. I know it’s only a matter of time before you beg me to fuck you. All the bad bunnies do. You’re no exception.”

My whole body trembled. Whether it was from terror or arousal, I couldn’t say.

His black wings pumped a few times before folding neatly behind his muscled shoulders. He reached out a strong bare arm and I fully expected him to remember who I was—Alice Fucking Darling.

I waited for him to be a gentleman and help me to my feet.


That hand went straight for the nape of my neck and grabbed a fistful of my tangled blonde hair. Then my face was partially covered by a form-fitting mask.

The moment I thought about taking if off, something strong, yet soft wrapped around my wrists and bound them together behind my back. The movement thrust my shoulders back and my tits up.

The sound of fabric being torn filled my ears until the black silk nightgown I’d been wearing fell away, leaving me completely naked and exposed to both men. Every scratch and bite and bruise and hickey from my three-way fuckfest with Chess and Hatter was now painfully visible to Callister and his monster friend.

The same material that was wrapped around my face and my wrists now encircled my neck. I was wearing a collar...a fuckingcollarwith a black leather leash. I caught a glimpse of myself in one of the dozen huge mirrors and realized I was wearing a leather bunny mask.

I looked like a complete and utter fuck toy.

What the hell had I just gotten myself into?

Cool air washed over my bare skin as the King of Clubs dragged me by the leash over to the couch. I fought against him...but I may as well have been tied to a tow truck.

When the King of Clubs sat down on his couch, I was convinced he was going to drag me over and make me suck his dick. It wasn’t until he pulled my body over his knees that I understood what I was in for.

“What are you doing?” I demanded as I struggled.

“Teaching you a lesson,” he said, holding me down effortlessly. His charismatic smile didn’t reach his smoldering dark eyes. “Bad bunnies need to be punished.”

“You’re just the demon to do it,” Callister agreed with a wicked laugh.

Fuck...this guy reallywasa demon!

A hard hand came down on my rear with a loud smack. I heard the sound fill the room before I felt the sting spread across my ass.

When I finally felt it, I yelped for mercy.

Another smack reverberated off over the gold framed mirrors in that dimly-lit room. Cherry tobacco crackled from Callister’s cigarette before it wafted over to my nose. He was watching with a smirk, clearly enjoying his front seat to the show.

I howled at the pain, at the humiliation, squirming defiantly against the demon king’s inhumanly strong grip as his hand came down again...

And again...
