Page 49 of Ace of Spades

"What do I do?"

“Keep calm, Alice!" Chess urged, his voice tense with worry. "You need to counter their attack."

“How the fuck do I do that?” I cried, my mind reeling with fear and confusion as more arrows shot past me.

"Use your imagination—your instincts! You have it within your abilities to defeat them!"

“Could you be a little more specific?” I hissed through my clenched teeth.

My heart raced as the bloodthirsty pieces drew closer, but my mind was trapped in a whirlwind of panic. The chess piece I was hiding behind was impaled with dozens of arrows.

Pain was throbbing in my shoulder. Blood was dripping down the length of my arm and down one of my boobs.

Desperation clawed at my insides, my thoughts a tangled mess of fear and hopelessness.

“Move the bishop!” Hatter said.

"Are you sure?" Chess asked, his voice tainted with concern.

"Trust me," Hatter replied, his voice steady and confident. His gaze never left the violent game unfolding in front of us.

“Move the bishop, Alice. It’s the piece with the funny hat.

Not knowing if this would be my last living memory or not, I tossed my bloody hair over my shoulder and moved the bishop where he told me to. I watched in awe as it swooped across the board, bludgeoned the threatening pawn to dust, and removed it from the board.

"Brilliant!" Chess exclaimed in such a way that I could practically hear his invisible hands clapping in delight. "Well done, Hatter, and well done, Alice!"

"Thanks,” I replied, a fierce sense of pride swelling within me.

I may not have known how to play chess when this game began, but I was starting to figure out the different moves each piece was allowed to make. I was thinking up strategies and feeling more confident with each passing moment.

And as I stood there on that brutal chessboard, surrounded by darkness and danger, I knew that one thing was certain—I wasn’t going down without a fight.

I had to be smarter, faster, more cunning than the chess pieces if we were to make it through this maze alive.

"Think, Alice," Hatter whispered, watching me closely. "What would you do if you were one of them?"

The words struck a chord within me, and something inside me snapped. Fury had ignited in my chest. The answer was so obvious, and I grinned wickedly as I realized what I should do.

Rules made no sense in Wonderland. This was a place where adorable, fuzzy pink bunnies were more deadly than piranhas. Flowers reeked of rotting flesh and the streams were thick with black muck.

Tea parties were thinly veiled orgies where the cake made you drunk and high. And the only demon I’d met hadn’t hurt me. All he’d done was lick me to oblivion.

No...rules didn’t matter at all here.

In Wonderland, rules were made to be broken.

The guys were constantly telling me to use my imagination.

Here went nothing.

Seizing the opportunity, I took a deep breath and focused my thoughts. I closed my eyes and I imagined the remaining chess pieces turning against one another.

I could feel the intensity of the pieces, their very souls yearning to move where I willed them to go. I opened my eyes to see theirs gleaming in rage, fixed on me, silently urging me to make a move.

I could see the hatred in their eyes, the way they longed to crush me beneath their feet. But I couldn't let that happen. I had to keep going, keep pushing my imagination to the limit.

Suddenly, in a flash of almost intangible power, the pieces came alive. I moved the kings and queens, pawns, rooks, knights, and bishops. One after another, the pieces captured each other just like I’d seen it happen in my mind.