Page 68 of Ace of Spades

"Ah, Alice," Callister said with a wicked grin, finally looking up at me. "Let me introduce you to the King of Clubs. He’s the one you can redirect your questions to.”

The dark-haired man rose to his feet and headed my way, never letting his piercing gaze leave my face.

Well, one thing was for certain.

The guywas, in fact, hot shit.

He was almost as tall as Hatter, clad entirely in black, from his impeccably tailored three-piece suit to his polished shoes. His vest was adorned with gold embroidery and a gold pocket square peeked out of his jacket. In the dim light, I could see the emblem of a gold club pinned to his lapel.

He looked like a dangerous sort of royalty, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline that could cut glass. His ebony hair fell over one eye, and a smirk played on his lips like he knew a secret he'd never share.

“The gown suits you,” he said, unapologetically eyeing my curves while motioning for me to turn in a circle for him.

I did no such thing.

“It’s alright,” I muttered sarcastically, scanning the stranger for any signs of malice as he approached me.

His dark eyes were cold and calculating, yet undeniably attractive.

“You can always take it off if you don’t care for it,” he quipped. “I don’t think Callister would mind.”

My eyes darted over to where Callister still sat on the black velvet sofa.

“I wouldn’t mind.”

I ignored him, but my cheeks flushed deep pink. I could tell because I caught my reflection in one of the dozen mirrors hanging around the room.

“Why am I here?” I asked again. The king started to play with the cards in his hand.

“We’ll discuss that after our guest has left,” he replied.

I wrinkled my forehead in confusion.

“Ourguest?” I asked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you belong to me,” said the king.

"Is this some sort of sick joke?" I demanded, my hands balling into fists. "Did you make some kind of deal with him, Callister?" The thought of betrayal stung, especially after everything we'd been through together.

Callister looked up from his cards, meeting my gaze with a shrug. "Sometimes, Alice, you have to play the hand you're dealt."

"Such wisdom," the King of Clubs said with a smirk. "But it's true. We all have our own games to play, and sometimes we must align ourselves with unexpected allies."

"Even if it means betraying your friends?" I spat, my chest tightening at the thought of Callister selling me out to this sinister figure.

"Ah, Alice," said Callister, laughing to himself as he drew on his cherry tobacco cigarette. "Always so full of spirit.”

“Yes,” the king agreed with a nod. “It's almost a shame, really.”

“What’s a shame?” I demanded.

“It's almost a shame I’ll have to break you.”

"Break me?" My heart did back-to-back somersaults at hearing those words. "Just what the hell are you planning to do with me?"

A vicious gleam filled the king’s fathomless eyes.

“Oh, you’ll learn soon enough once our guest leaves.”