Page 67 of Ace of Spades


“Very good, Alice,” he sighed, then pushed himself into me for one more ride.

Yes. Oh yes. This wasexactlywhat I’ needed. What I'd always craved without knowing. Without being bold enough to even ask.

I couldn’t believe I’d ever thought Remy was good enough for me. Him and his boring, basic, cheating little human dick were just a blip in my sexual history. After being with my Mad Hatter and my Cheshire Cat, I'd never want anyone else.

They’d done exactly what they said they’d do.

They’d claimed me.

They’d ruined me.

And I loved it.

* * *



I dreamt I was lifted into a pair of strong arms and carried somewhere safe in a blanket covered in thick red and white stripes.

“Shhh…” a voice whispered. “Go back to sleep, Alice.”

Chess must’ve regained enough of his strength for us to start making our way to the White Queen’s court. How sweet and thoughtful of him to let me rest while he carried me. I was so completely spent from all the fucking that I wasn’t sure my legs would work even if I’d wanted them to.

Without opening my eyes, I nuzzled into the warm shoulder and drifted back to sleep.

I woke up to find myself surrounded by black.

The room smelled like smoke and cherries. It was bathed in a warm golden glow, emanating from an array of black candles that flickered seductively around the space. Black velvet curtains had been pulled across the windows, blocking out all the light from outside.

The walls and the ceiling were lined with mirrors in ornate golden frames. They seemed to move and pulse with a life of their own.

I rubbed my eyes, feeling my body shift on black satin sheets and matching black satin pillows. Someone had put me in a simple, yet elegant black silk gown.

I’d fallen asleep naked outside on a mushroom and woken up in what looked like a luxury hotel suite.

Talk about an upgrade.

The floor was made of polished black and gold tiles that appeared to be simultaneously solid and liquid, rippling beneath my feet as I stepped off the bed and into a pair of fuzzy black slippers.

Despite its opulence, the room was oddly welcoming, and the bed beneath me felt far more comfortable than it had any right to be. There was even a faint scent of roses lingering in the air, as if daring me to let my guard down.

A soft sound caught my attention—the rustle of cards being shuffled. My gaze snapped to a nearby table where Callister and an elegantly dressed dark-haired man lounged on a black velvet sofa, pink smoke gently swirling in the air above them. The man’s fingers deftly shuffled and manipulated a deck of playing cards before dealing himself and Callister a hand.

I couldn’t see his face, but a gleam of gold got my attention. The candlelight had caught on a gold pinky ring on his left hand.

I knew what pinky rings meant.

It meant Callister’s friend thought he was hot shit.

We’d see about that.

"Good morning, Alice,” Callister drawled, not even bothering to look up from his hand of cards. His tattoos peeked out from beneath the sleeves of his black leather jacket, making him look even more devilishly handsome than usual. They seemed to shift and dance beneath the dim candlelight, and the cherry tobacco scent filling the room could only be coming from the cigarette caught between his lips.

"Where am I?" I demanded, my voice cracking slightly despite my best efforts to sound chill as fuck. "What's going on?"