Page 56 of Ace of Spades

“ could have usboth.”

Her breath hitched at my suggestion, and she bit her lip as she considered it, making me grin even more.

“We can give you nearly anything you could ever dream of,” I murmured. “All you have to do is ask for it. Just say the words, Alice, and we’ll give it to you.”

“Oh, we definitely will,” Hatter said with a wicked laugh.

Alice blinked in wonder at us both.


“Really. Just say it. Tell us what you want, and it’s yours.”

“Does it have to be only one thing?”

I laughed, then shook my head.

“No. Surely by now you know how generous we can be when it comes to you.”

“Alright...” she said slowly, while her thoughts spun like the cogs in Winston’s precious pocket watch. He was at the White Queen’s court, waiting for us to show up with the Vorpal Sword and our newest Alice. She was supposed to begin her training with the White Knight, who would teach her how to defeat the Jabberwocky.

That’s how it had always been done before.

But like I said earlier, this time was different.

This Alice was different.


Ripe for the fucking.

If I knew the White Knight, he was bound to teach her more than how to handle that sword.

If I knew Alice, she’d relish every second of it.

And while I truly didn’t carewhoshe fucked, I very much caredwhenshe fucked them.

I’d explored the depths of her cunt before anyone else, but only with my tongue. I’d withheld my cock to keep her safe while she bounced on Hatter’s as a consolation prize.

But I was determined to cram my length inside of her and drench her in my seed before she stepped foot in the White Queen’s court.

I wanted my smell all over her. I wanted to mark her. To claim her.

To let everyone know that she was minefirst.

Meanwhile, Alice’s thoughts were moving so fast that I could only grasp a few snippets of what she wanted. I knew she wanted my cock. She wanted Hatter’s as well, yet there was more on her mind than being stuffed from both ends.

She broke free from my arms, then walked back over to the clearing where she’d solved Hatter’s riddle.

“I know what I want,” she said with a coy grin while toying with her hair.

“Name it, and it’s yours,” I said, eyeing the swells of her curves with barely veiled hunger.

“I want a bubble bath,” she declared. “And I want the water to have magic healing powers so that as soon as I get wet, I’m clean and all these cuts and bruises are gone. And I’d like some champagne on ice. Can you do that?”

“I can...” I replied with an obliging nod, trying to keep my disappointment and desire in check. Hatter nodded in agreement, his mismatched eyes twinkling with mischief, as if he knew we were both struggling to control ourselves around her.

It didn’t take more than a moment for me to create a massive clawfoot tub filled with warm, fragrant water. Mountains of opalescent bubbles spilled over the edge, glittering from all the floating candles that hovered around. Their soft, amber light pushed back the darkness that was creeping in from all corners of the hedge maze, casting a warm, inviting glow over the scene.