Page 55 of Ace of Spades

In all my years of demonic existence, I’d held this weapon many times. Always with a different Alice. A young one. An innocent one. Neither the blade nor the girl were ever mine to keep.

No...the great game of destiny always dealt us the same cards.

First, the Red Queen’s madness would put a chokehold on the Kingdom of Hearts and Roses. Her inner darkness would manifest into a Jabberwocky that terrorized all of her subjects into submission, until it spread to the borders of the Kingdom of Diamonds and Ice. Then the White Queen would summon the only champion who could defeat such evil—an innocent child.

An Alice.

Then I would introduce the girl to the way things worked in Wonderland. Callister would tease her...confound her. Use a fair bit of reverse psychology on her, because sometimes, when you tell a child they can’t do something, it only makes them more determined to prove you wrong.

Then the Alice would use her innocence, her imagination, and the Vorpal Sword to destroy the Jabberwocky, essentially cutting out the rot from the Red Queen’s heart. She’d be relieved from all the wickedness in her soul, and Wonderland would go back to normal.

Alice would go home.

Then the cycle repeated.

It’s the way things have always been.

I suddenly found myself hoping that this time—this Alice—would be different.

It already was.

Nobody had ever fucked an Alice before.

“We couldn’t have done it without you, either,” I said, letting my full Cheshire grin spread across my lips. “You never cease to amaze me.”

Alice openly basked in our praise, the warmth of our words visibly chasing away the shadows of doubt that had plagued her ever since her arrival in Wonderland. I was looking forward to rubbing her success in Callister’s face the next time we saw him.

“Aww, Chess... Did you think I’d let you down?”

My grip tightened around the hilt of the sword. Claiming the Vorpal Sword was merely the first step to ending the Red Queen's reign of terror. I knew we still had a long road ahead of us and countless challenges to overcome.

Best to take things one step at a time.

I didn’t want to shake Alice’s confidence now. Not when it was higher than it had been since she’d stepped into our world.

I shook my head, unable to keep from smiling at her. “Never, darling. I never thought for one second that you’d let us down.”

The longer I gazed at Alice, bloody and exhausted from all her efforts, the more I recognized the need for her to restore her powers.

She wasn’t like us.

She didn’t have Hatter’s endless stores of fae energy, or my demonic ability to ‘cat nap’ and recharge in a fraction of the time it took her.

I conjured a scabbard and sheathed the Vorpal Sword near my hip, then gathered Alice into my arms.

“I knew all along that you could do it,” I murmured softly while delicately stroking her filthy hair. Even spattered with blood and smeared with dirty sweat, her beauty could not be denied. “I think you’ve earned a reward for all your hard work.”

“Yes, she certainly has,” Hatter said. He sauntered closer to us, reaching beyond the barrier of my protective arms to take Alice’s chin into his hand.

Ignoring me, he gazed at her with unapologetic lust, letting his thumb graze along her bottom lip. "You've proven yourself to be quite...capable. What would you like as a reward, Alice?”

From beneath the brim of his top hat, his mismatched eyes flicked over to mine. He smirked, then looked back at Alice.

“You could haveme, if you like. Or you could have Chess. I know you told him to fuck you senseless once it was safe.”

Alice shifted in my arms, letting out the softest of sighs.

I gazed down at her, quirking a brow in delight.