Page 39 of Ace of Spades

“Chess,” Hatter said, laying a hand on my monstrous shoulder. “You know as well as I do that Alice won’t be any safer if this poor bastard suffers or does not.”

"Fine," I growled, releasing the soldier from my grip. He crumpled into himself, sobbing in relief, but his reprieve would be short-lived.

He and I both knew that even if he managed to get back onto his horse and return to the Court of Hearts and Roses, the Red Queen would show him no mercy for failing his mission.

The second he turned up without Alice, the queen would be sure to yell, “Off with his head!”

I might be a demon, but I wasn’t a monster. It would be a kindness to take care of it here, and end his suffering sooner.

I growled, then shifted my monstrous form back into that of a man. I nodded at the hulking fae who stood beside me. A soft whoosh of Hatter's blade made short work of the last remaining soldier.

"Is that the last of them?" Alice asked breathlessly from behind the safety of her frying pan. Her blue eyes were busy scanning the forest for any remaining threats. She might not have had our supernatural abilities or experience, but she had proven herself to be incredibly resourceful—and determined to prove herself.

"Seems so,” said Hatter as he stole a few coins off each of the bodies.

"Nice teamwork, guys,” Alice smirked, wiping a stray droplet of gore from her cheek.

"You were pretty impressive yourself," I replied, feeling the weight of our actions settle heavily upon my shoulders.

It wasn’t that I felt bad about killing the Red Queen’s soldiers. I was simply concerned that their deaths would only make the Red Queen more desperate for Alice’s head.

Her beautiful, sassy, kissable head.

I couldn’t let that happen.

Not to her.

My gaze swiveled down to the ground, taking in the sight of one soldier’s exposed flesh from his abdomen. His entrails had spilled out onto the ground in a steaming mass of gore and viscera.

The smell of blood and sweat filled the air, mingling with the eerie whispers of the twisted trees. I closed my eyes and sent a silent message to the fauna of the forest to come to our aid.

“We can't linger here,” I said when I was done. “The Red Queen will surely send more soldiers after us."

"Chess is right," Hatter agreed, his eyes clouded with concern. "We need to move, and quickly."

"Where do we go?" Alice questioned, her voice shaking slightly as the adrenaline began to wear off. Her eyes were wide, taking in the altered landscape around us, a world warped and wild, its strange creatures watching from behind gnarled trees and grotesque stones.

Damn, she was stunning. Especially when covered in the blood of our enemies. I felt a sudden urge to pull her against my body and press my cock against her warm gash before spreading her wide open for my inhuman flesh...but now was not the time.

“We’ll find somewhere safe," I answered, knowing full well that safety was a rare commodity in this twisted Wonderland. “We need to get as far away from the Red Queen's reach as possible."

"Isthere such a place?" Hatter mused, his gaze sweeping across the horizon, searching for any sign of sanctuary. “Not even the White Queen’s castle will be safe for long.”

“Her castle is in the wrong direction,

"We need to regroup and plan our next move."

"Then let's not waste any more time," Alice said, determination blazing in her eyes.

"Lead the way, Chess" Hatter urged, sheathing his bloodstained blade.

We’d only taken a few steps when flashes of light pink appeared in every direction and zipped right past us.

“Oh shit!” Alice groaned with a grimace. “Guys, do you see the fuzzy pink bunnies?”

I yawned and nodded my head. The battle had taken more out of me than I realized.

“Yes. I sent for them.”