Page 28 of Ace of Spades

“More like I’m afraid I’ll make you sorry you challenged me,” I said, setting aside my hookah. I quickly summoned a twisted sword made of shadows and blue smoke, grinning wide when she realized what she was dealing with.

"Let's see what you've got, princess."

"Finally, some excitement!" cackled Hatter, clapping his hands together in anticipation. He motioned for the other guests to clear a space, and they eagerly complied, forming a circle around Alice and me. Whispers and bets flew through the crowd, their excitement palpable. Even Harry had given up on trying to fuck Violet to completion.

"Ready when you are, honey,” Alice smirked, conjuring a blade of pure ice that shimmered dangerously in the dim light.

"Try not to cry too hard when you lose, sweetheart," I retorted, lunging forward with my shadowy weapon.

Our blades clashed, filling the air with the sound of cracking ice and the hiss of dissipating smoke. Alice parried my strikes with surprising skill, her eyes never leaving mine as we danced our deadly waltz. The crowd cheered us on, their voices a dull roar in the background as I focused on the woman before me.

Where had she learned to fight like this? Tomovelike this?

"Is that all you've got?" Alice taunted, ducking under a swing and sweeping her leg out to trip me. I stumbled but recovered quickly, gritting my teeth as I tried to anticipate her next move.

"Hardly," I shot back, slicing my sword through the air and sending a wave of darkness towards her. She countered with a blast of icy wind that cut through my attack like a knife, leaving us both unscathed.

"Interesting," I mused, my brow furrowing in concentration. "Perhaps you're not entirely useless after all."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," she replied sarcastically, launching herself into the air and summoning a barrage of razor-sharp icicles to rain down upon me. I dodged and weaved, the chill of near misses nipping at my skin.

"Enough of this shit!" I bellowed, my frustration mounting as I wrapped tendrils of smoke around Alice's ankles, yanking her from the sky and slamming her onto the ground.

"Fuck!" she cursed, wincing as she tried to break free of my grip. But as I approached her prone form, ready to claim victory, she revealed her cunning.

With a wicked grin, Alice unleashed a torrent of ice that encased my feet, rooting me to the spot.

"Gotcha," she whispered, her breath hot against my ear as she slipped out of my grasp and stood up. She placed the tip of her ice blade against my chest, her eyes dancing with triumph. "Yield?"

"Fuck you, princess,” I spat, but there was no heat behind my words. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their bets settled and their thirst for entertainment sated. “Where the hell did a spoiled brat like you learn to fight like that?”

“My parents made me study fencing for six years,” Alice gloated from above, pressing her blade closer for emphasis. “Maybe that’ll teach you to underestimate me.”

“In your dreams,” I growled, though deep down, I knew she had earned every ounce of respect I could muster. I couldn't help but marvel at the power and determination that radiated from her, even as the ice around my feet began to melt. Wonderland had truly changed her, and I couldn't deny that I was starting to see Alice in a new light.

“I’m already there. Let’s see what else I can dream up for you,” Alice declared with a smirk. Suddenly she conjured a whirlwind to encircle us, the howling winds creating a barrier between our duel and the avidly watching guests.

“Fucking shit, Alice," I muttered under my breath, begrudgingly admiring her skill. "You really are full of surprises."

"Get used to it," she retorted, her eyes flashing with fire. As the whirlwind dissipated, the crowd's cheers and applause reached a fever pitch. Some of the guests even howled in delight, their twisted faces contorted in ecstasy at the thrilling spectacle they had just witnessed. “Still think I’m useless?”

“No, I don’t," I conceded, glaring at her. "But don't expect me to go easy on you next time."

“I wouldn't want you to," she replied with a flirtatious grin.

Just then, Chess appeared beside her, his green eyes shining with pride.

"Didn't I tell you?" he purred, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I knew Alice was something special."

“And she’s more imaginative than we could’ve hoped,” Hatter chimed in, taking Alice's free hand and raising it in victory. "Congratulations, my dear! Wonderland has finally found its champion to save us from the Red Queen!”

"Thanks,” Alice said, her cheeks flushing at the praise. She looked around at the assembled guests, their eyes filled with admiration and approval, and for the first time since she arrived in this fucked-up world, she looked like she belonged here.

“Drinks all around!” Hatter announced, leading us back to the tea table where fresh cups awaited us. The guests resumed their drunken debauchery, the air filled with moans of pleasure as they stuffed their faces with cake and candies. Harry the March Hare led Violet into the woods to fuck her without any more interruptions, and I loaded my hookah with coconut lime tobacco. A flick of a match and its subsequent flames danced around the bowl while I packed another pinch of tobacco into the top of the pipe.

"Drink up, Alice," Chess whispered in her ear, handing her a teacup that smelled of roses and sin. "You've earned it."

"Careful, Chess," I murmured, watching as Alice took a hearty gulp. I sucked in air through my teeth as I pushed at the tobacco, trying to draw out more of the tropical flavor. "We don't want her to lose her edge now, do we?"