Page 25 of Ace of Spades

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine,” Hatter said, taking her hand in his. With a playful grin, he gave it a soft kiss before letting it go. "Do join us, my dear! There's always room for more madness at this table...especially if you come sit beside me.”

Alice hesitated for a moment, glancing at Chess for reassurance. Her delicate eyebrows were furrowed in concern.

"You told me to be careful of what I eat or drink while I'm here."

Chess quirked a curious brow at her, amusement dancing in his green eyes.

"That depends. How bad do you want to find that sword?"

I watched Alice take a deep breath. With determination etched on her beautiful face, she strode over to the table and took the seat closest to Hatter, which he’d pulled out for her in an effort to appear chivalrous.

If only she knew the truth about him.

But if I knew Hatter, then Alice was going to find out about him soon enough.

As Alice scooted her chair closer to the table, I could see the gears turning in her head. Our world was unlike anything she had ever known, and she was desperate to find her place in it.

Meanwhile, Chess curled up in the chair between her and myself. I could tell by the way he licked his lips that he’d already tasted her.

"Marvelous,” crooned the Mad Hatter as Alice sank her pert round ass into the chair next to him. "Let the festivities continue. Alice, would you care for any tea?” Hatter was already pouring her a steaming cup from a teapot that seemed to change colors as it moved. "It'll help you see things more clearly."

Again, she turned to Chess for approval.

Chess gave her a nod and a sly grin, encouraging her to accept the strange offering. Tentatively, she took a sip, her pink lips wrapping around the edge of the cup, her eyes widening as the peculiar liquid slid down her throat.

"Interesting," she murmured, taking another sip.

"Ah, there's that adventurous spirit I knew you had in you!" the Mad Hatter snickered while clapping his hands together.

“Let’s see how good you are at riddles. We’ve been telling them all night.”

“Okay,” Alice said, appearing more comfortable with her surroundings.

“What is incredibly hard and fits into a tiny hole?”

A red flush crept over Alice’s face, yet Hatter didn’t even flinch. He simply grinned in satisfaction.

“A key!” said Dormouse.

“You are correct,” Hatter declared. “What about this one? What’s the difference between ‘ooooooh’ and ‘aaaaaaah’?”

“About three inches!” Violet moaned, still bouncing on Harry the March Hare’s lap. A round of laughter rose up from the table.

“You would know,” Hatter said. Alice was finding it hard to look away from the copulating couple, but she forced herself to stare at her host’s face as he offered another riddle.

“I have a long, stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver. What am I? Alice, do you know what I am?”

Bless her, she bit down on her bottom lip and all I knew Hatter was already planning on how to penetrate her with his long, stiff shaft.

“A dick?” she suggested.

Hatter shook his head, then glanced around the table.

Nobody had an answer for him.

“I have a long, stiff shaft,” he repeated. “My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver. What am I?”

“I don’t know,” Alice admitted with a sad little shrug.