Page 100 of Heartless Beloved

“He was trying to help me. You’re just a stranger to him.”

“A stranger,” he chuckles dryly. “A lot of strangers made you come before?”

I avoid his gaze. Yes. One other. In fact, one hundred percent of the men who have made me come were basically strangers.

I shake my head, sending the thoughts away. “I only meant he didn’t know we were acquainted.”

“And I had the decency to step away because I didn’t want to make the situation worse. But I warned you, didn’t I? I said next time he puts himself between us…” he raises an eyebrow at me, clearly expecting me to finish the sentence.

“That…that you’d set him on fire. Which, as I’m sure you can hear yourself, sounds utterly insane.” I push his hand away from my thigh. “Xi, we were just having a discussion.”

I’m not too sure why I’m defending Chester. I’m mad at him. About his chat with my dad and the words he threw in my face. I still don’t think he deserved any of the violence Xi dished out, though.

“Sounded like a discussion you didn’t want to have.”

“It doesn’t mean violence was necessary,” I snap. “I don’t like it. Youbrokehis wrist, for heaven’s sake.”

“He’s fucking lucky I broke his wrist,” he growls. He grabs my forearm and pulls it in front of my face. My wrist is red, and bruises are starting to show from where Chester was holding me. “Looks to me like he should be six feet under.”

I snatch my arm back. “That’s enough.” The light goes green, and he looks ahead again. “You hurt me more by ghosting me than Chester did just now.”

He runs his tongue against his front teeth. “I didn’t ghost you.”

“Come on,” I scoff. “We had sex, and then you disappeared. No news for four days. We both know your reputation precedes you. Ignoring me and then swooping in like a pretend hero makes no sense. Don’t mess with my brain.”

“Don’t talk about my reputation. I was very clear about who you belong to. You can expect the same from me.”

I open my mouth to say something, but I seem to be speechless.

“I was busy, Alex.”

My eyes go to his knuckles at the same time as his dart to me.

I feel my brows furrow. “And you couldn’t afford to respond to my texts. Forfourdays. I don’t want to play these games with you.” I chuckle to myself. “God, you’re good at this, aren’t you? Such pretty words for someone who just evaporated into thin air.”

He runs a hand through his hair as he turns right. “I didn’t receive your texts because I change numbers often. I need to keep my phones untraceable. I’m trying to have a conversation with you here. Leave whatever you heard about me at the door, for fuck’s sake.”

“I don’twantto have a conversation with you. Life is about choices, and you made yours. New phone?Youtext me then. How was I meant to know? You chose not to stay. You chose to fuck me and disappear. I don’t care. I can move on. Go fuck your next girl for all I care. I’ll do the same too. Fuck countless guys. It’s about time I start enjoying myself.”

He brakes so hard I grab the edges of the seat as the belt stops me from crashing forward. The band digs into my skin and cuts my breath short. He turns to me, stopped in the middle of the road, as someone honks at us and bypasses our car.

“Say that again. I dare you.”

He’s not touching me; the threat is all in his eyes and voice. It’s all in the way his hands grip the wheel. My voice stays stuck in my throat. My vocal cords not daring to tremble. Someone else honks before overtaking us as well.

“Do it, Alexandra,” he growls. This time his right hand comes to wrap around my jaw, and he brings me closer as he leans toward me. “Get anywhere near another guy, and I’ll make you watch as I burn him alive.”

His eyes look at both of mine, darting left and right. I feel my heart accelerating. I feel the way my body responds to his.

But for once in my life. I stand my ground. “You’re so full of sh—"

His lips crash against mine as his hand slides to the back of my neck while the other pulls the handbrake. He presses me into him and demands access to my mouth. My lips part on their own accord as my eyes flutter close. I let his tongue come to stroke mine. It doesn’t help that I know exactly the wonders it can do.

So much for standing my ground.

I moan into his mouth as one of his hands caresses my breast above my shirt. I pick up the pace, devouring him as his free hand unfastens my seatbelt. He pulls away only long enough to grab my hips and pull me over to him. In a quick gesture, he draws back his seat and drops me on his lap.

“Why is it that no matter what you do, I want to make you shut up by filling you with my cock?”