Page 78 of Heartless Beloved

“Holy shit, I forgot you two together areunbearable.” I stand up and grab my phone before running my hand across my face. “Fuck sake,” I mutter to myself.

“What’s up?” Zara asks with genuine worry this time.

“I don’t know what to tell Emma.”

“Well, what’s the update?” Tamar insists.

I shrug. “Got nowhere yet.”

“What about the NSC party?” Zara asks.

“Alex wasn’t there.”

“You said you went to her house,” Tamar adds.

Shit. I forgot I said that. “Yeah,” I run my tongue against my front teeth. “Nothing happened. She’s a good girl.” Except for me.

“Oh shit,” Zara huffs. They exchange a look.


Zara takes a sip of her beer and puts it back on the table. “You’re lying.”

“I’m not—” They both give me a look that silently tells me to not even try lying anymore. “Look. Before Alexandra Delacroix invites me to her family house so I can get some dirt, there will be a lot more to do than a little bit of flirting and first base at her Sorority house.”

“First base, my ass,” Tamar cackles as she exits the backroom into the workshop with a beer for Logan.

“Man,” Zara sighs.

“Don’t say it.” I run a hand through my hair and turn my back to her, pretending to be on my phone.

“Don’t lose sight of the end goal, please.”

“I won’t.” I already have.

She’s about to talk again when a scream breaks our peaceful afternoon.



We’re both in the workshop in a split second. Logan is on the floor, groaning and rubbing the back of his head.

Unwell, but alive.

This might not be the case for my best friend in a few seconds since Ethan Torres is pointing his gun at her.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” I growl.

“Xi, how funny. You were the exact person we were looking for,” his stepbrother Elliot says, casually sitting on the hood of a car, holding a heavy-duty wrench. He must have used it to hit Logan on the back of the head.

“If you want to talk to me, you findme. Don’t impede on a man’s business and don’t point your gun at my friends.”

Elliot jumps off the hood and my eyes go to Tamar again. She’s shaking like a leaf. The girl rarely leaves her house. Maybe a party now and then, sometimes hanging out with us. She left the safety of hiding behind her computer to spend time with us today, and this town is throwing it back in her face.

I’m not worried about Ethan and Elliot. They want something from me, and they can be sure they won’t get it if they kill me or my friends.

Next to me, Zara slides her hand behind her back.