Page 70 of Heartless Beloved

“You coming to Emma’s?” I ask Zara as I start the car.

She shakes her head. “Drop me home, please. You know I’m not really into parties.”

I nod, driving out of the frat house’s driveway.

“I like this,” she yawns, pointing at a sketch I made and that I had left on the dashboard.

“Thanks, I drew it.”

“What is it?” She squints her eyes to try and get a better look in the darkness of the car. “For fuck’s sake,” she huffs. “It’s her, isn’t it?”

Ignoring her, I keep my eyes focused on the road.

“At least it’s beautifully drawn.”

I shrug. “I’m good at doing things with my hands.” I was going to stop there but decide to annoy her instead. “I thought you knew that.”

She rolls her eyes. “One-time thing. I thought that was the deal with guys like you. No need to mention something that happened last year.”

“My lips are sealed.”

After a minute of silence, I feel her inhale deeply, knowing she’s about to talk to me again. “Are you going to be able to make it a one-time thing with cupcake?”

I run my tongue against my front teeth. “Of course. So I drew her. I was inspired. It’ll be fine. We’re gonna get the info we need.”

But deep down, I know the truth. My fixation on Alexandra Delacroix is growing bigger every day. She’s not seeing it coming because, for her, why would someone she just met suddenly be obsessed with her. If only she fucking knew.

That obsession.

Every hour, it becomes more intense. Every minute, it turns more dangerous.

I walk into Emma’s house after dropping Zara off at hers. The party is still going strong despite the late hour. Logan catches me as soon as I’m in the living room.

“I fucking hate you,” he growls as he hugs me with a hand grabbing my neck and a slap on the back. “You invite those bitches here and don’t even warn Tamar and me. You know we hate them. At least Racer seems to be enjoying himself.”

“Good for him,” I say as I separate from him and look around. I grab a cigarette from the pocket of my hoodie and the tiny new plastic lighter I bought yesterday. I keep losing these things, or people borrow them and never bring them back.

I light up a cigarette, scanning the room. I can’t fucking wait to get my hands on Alex. Once I do, she’s not going anywhere.

“Is Alex here?”

“Which one’s that?” Logan grinds another complaint. “The one with theI’m better than you attitude, the one with theoopsie, my skirt keeps rising upattitude, or the one who literally told Tamar to get lost while trying to sit on my lap?”

I look at him blankly as I blow smoke to the side. He’s so fucking dramatic. “None. The fourth one with the SFU uniform who’s actually a decent person.”

“Yeah, you must have made that one up, brother, because she’s not here.”

Looking around the room again, I notice Harper talking to my brother, Lik. I’m shocked enough that he’s come to a party now that he’s settled and happy in his relationship, but that he’s actually making conversation with Harper makes me feel like I’m hallucinating.

“Yeah,” Logan nods toward my brother. “He’s here. Don’t ask me why.”

I tap Logan’s shoulder, indicating I’m walking away from our conversation, and head over to Lik instead.

“Trouble in paradise,khoya?” I ask as I slam my hand between his shoulder blades.

He turns to me, a bright smile on his face. My brother and I look the same in the sense that it is written on our faces that we share the same blood, but we couldn’t be more different. I’m a big guy, tall and bulky, and he’s strong but skinnier and shorter than me. Where my jaw is square and my face hard, his is softer and more feminine. I’m rough. He’s beautiful. That’s what sets us apart.

Lik takes care of himself, even more so since two women got added to the relationship with his boyfriend. Long. Fucking. Story.