Page 64 of Heartless Beloved


Harper drags me through yet another hallway of the frat house, holding my hand tightly in her perfectly manicured one. She pushes a door open, walks in, and brings me in with her before slamming it shut.

She turns to me, her smile straining at the same time as one of her eyes twitches angrily.

“Xi,” she pouts as she sits on the edge of a large bathtub. “You didn’t even talk to me tonight.”

I lean back against the double sink and cross my arms, barely able to pretend I’m listening to whatever rant she’s about to go on.

I genuinely don’t give a shit. I’ve met clingy girls in my life, but no one quite compares to her. I don’t know what the fuck she still wants with me, but moving on doesn’t seem to be in her vocabulary. Who even needs to move on from one. Single. Fuck.

I’m going to listen anyway, because if there’s something I know for sure, it’s that the more Harper is here with me, the less likely she is to make life hell for Alexandra downstairs.

“…are you listening?”

Running my tongue against my teeth, I nod. “‘Course.”

She rolls her eyes. “Anyway. As I was saying, maybe we can ditch the initiations and just head to yours.”

Mine? As if I would ever invite this girl to my house. No one ever goes there except me. It’s the family home I grew up in and the last place I ever saw my dad. I’m not going to bring some random girl there.

“You know, we can party with the rest of your crew. Is Logan there? Maybe you, me, and him should have a few drinks together or something.”

I see. She thinks my house is the one she’s come to party at before. My stepdad’s house, where we host our NSC parties. She also thinks Logan and I are up for a threesome with her. Funny enough, I couldn’t pay Logan to fuck a Stoneview bitch.

Standing up, she presses herself against me, running her hands along my biceps before trying to uncross my arms.

“Why don’t you want to invite us to the North Shore tonight? You have before. You love having us Stoneview girls at your disposal.”

I let her push my arms down to my sides before she presses her tits against my chest. I’m about a few seconds away from slamming her head into the sink. “Come on,” she purrs. “You know I want you.”

She has a real problem ahead of her then, because since I saw Alex in the car with her ex-prince charming, and since he tried to push me away when I wanted to get to her…all I want is, well,Alex.

There’s absolutely no way in hell she’s going to someone else. I’ve done my best to try and hold myself back, because that means I won’t hurt her. But what if that means she falls for someone else? What if he gets to touch her, and all I get to do is watch from the side?

Yeah, that’s not happening.

Pretty little cupcake is mine. OnlyIget to taste and take a bite.

“It’s initiations. Don’t you have to stay with your pledges?”

She snorts. “I can make these little bitches do whatever I want. If I tell them to wait on their knees while I go party on the North Shore, they’ll do exactly that. And I’ll return here to sobbing messes because their joints hurt so much.”

“That’s fucked,” I say, my lips curling when I rememberthese little bitchesinclude Alex.

Fucking Alexandra Delacroix.

She couldn’t just be some bitch I can use for my own benefit. No, the girl has to be a calamity who keeps on putting herself in vulnerable positions and triggering the protector in me. Fuck, I shouldn’t care in the slightest about her. I’m not a man of remorse.

It’s her innocent hazel eyes and the way she looks at everything with her wide-eyed gaze like she’s never been allowed out of her house before. She’s a butterfly right out of her cocoon, and if I’m not here to keep an eye on her, she will get caught by the first net. Her pretty wings will get pinned to a fucking board.

I want to catch her.

I want to pin her wings.

Just me.

“Oh please, you’re part of NSC. You’ve done worse.”