Page 51 of Heartless Beloved

“Alex.” I try to act like this isn’t pissing me off, though my scolding voice is the only thing that keeps coming out. “When was the last time you ate?”

She mumbles something, peering away from me.

“Look at me and answer clearly.” Her eyes flick back to mine fast. Something new in her gaze following my order. She shifts in her seat, and I watch her thighs press together.

“Last night,” she says a little louder.

I blink slowly, take a deep breath, and clench my jaw. This is the best I can do not to snap at her right now. I’m annoyed that it annoys me. Fuck, if she took care of herself, I wouldn’t have to.

“Sounds about as baby chick as it gets,” I say low.

My favorite thing to watch on Alex is the way her lips press into a thin line when someone says something grammatically incorrect. The way she stops herself from being an annoying know-it-all and how she practically bites her tongue so she doesn’t correct them by accident. Sometimes, she still can’t stop herself, though, and it’s the cutest thing to watch. Everyone has their flaws, yet somehow hers make me want to smile.

“I just haven’t had time. I had early classes this morning, and we spent the whole rest of the day moving our stuff.”

“Put your homework away. You’re going to eat.”

“I was going to eat when I went back to Xi Ep. Look, I appreciate the…whatever this is, but I have to finish my essay. I hate to be a burden, and I can take care of myself and…”

She stops the moment my arms cross over my chest and my face hardens.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out on a long sigh. “I don’t understand you.”

Me neither.

She stands up in a sudden movement, her hands going to her face before letting out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh my God.” Her fingers rake through her hair. “You’re hitting on me. You’re…you think you’re going to have sex with me!”

Fuck, what I would do to have sex with her right now. The fact she thinks I’m seducing her while I’m actually making an effort to hold back is fucking ludicrous.

“I’m not trying to have sex with you. Just trying to get you to eat so I don’t have to pick your fainting body off the floor before I leave.”

“Sounds to me like an excuse to stay.” Her eyes narrow so innocently, she could kill someone with that cuteness. “Sounds like the guy who loves having sex with Stoneview girls found someone new.”

The little girl thinks she can actually tease me.

“You can call it fucking, Alex. I assure you that’s what it is.” Her mouth parts, and I relish in the shocked expression on her face. Shocked but curious. “And no. That’s not what I’m trying to do. I’m going to feed you, and then I will leave.”

“Is that the part where you say you’re going to feed me your cock? My friend warned me against you.” Holy shit, this girl knows nothing. She’s discovering life one situation at a time and it’s killing me.

“You’re not getting my cock. I wouldn’t want you to choke on your meal.”

“Xi!” she gasps. I roll my eyes. She wants to play, but we’re nowhere near the same levels of the game.

“Clear the fucking table, will you,” I tell her, hearing the harsh tone in my voice. I want to repeat myself in a better way. But then she moves and starts packing up her stuff, listening like the good girl she is.

I check her fridge again and grab the packet of fresh gnocchi and the mozzarella. Moving to the cupboard, I find some tomato sauce and herbs.

I’m already cooking the gnocchi in the sauce, adding some onions and herbs, when she comes to stand next to me.

“Are you cooking for me right now?”

“Seems like it.”

“It smells so good. What are you making?”

“Mozzarella gnocchi bake.”

“It’s always such a pleasure to converse with you, Xi.” The sarcasm in her voice forces me to stare at her. I stop stirring the sauce so I can focus on scowling at her.