Page 35 of Heartless Beloved

“Where’s Peach?” Wren asks as he gives me a quick hug.

I pop a strawberry in my mouth and nod toward the hallway. “Napping,” I answer while chewing. “We’re all so dead from rush week.” I point at a plate on the counter. “I made cookies for everyone. Help yourself.”


We’ve spent the last five days going through each round for the sororities we were interested in. I went through all of it for the sake of it, but I know the one that was my number one all along. Thankfully it went perfectly well on preference day yesterday, and I’m almost certain I will get a bid today. There is still the stress of everything going wrong and not being picked. My mom would lose her mind.

Chester comes to me, giving me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I heard you got invited to your top two choices yesterday.”

“Yup,” I beam as I grab my last strawberry. Then I get off the stool and bring my plate to the sink.

Ella opens the fridge and grabs a couple of beers, giving it to the guys before taking one for herself. “Do you want anything, Alex?”

“I’m alright, thanks.” I’ve always been the boring friend who doesn’t touch alcohol, although they’re used to it. They know how my dad is and that there’s no point insisting. Instead, I grab the can of Coke Zero I’ve already opened.

“Peach!” Wren screams from the kitchen. “It’s bid day for you. Get out of bed!”

“I’m so jealous you guys both got into the same frat house. If the girls and I end up in different sororities, I might die,” Ella pouts.

“Zeta Nu, baby.” Chester taps his beer bottle against my can of Coke as he winks at me. “I’m excited about it,” he adds.

“Remind me the sorority you want,” Wren inquires before taking a swig.

“Xi Epsilon. Oh my God, guys, we’ve told you a million times,” Ella whines.

“Of course,” Chester chuckles. “Miss Legacy has a spot waiting for her in that house.”

“Peach and I have been kissing asses all week while Alex was just making appearances and waiting for every single sorority to go on their knees and beg her to join them.”

They all burst into laughs at Ella’s words.

“Except Xi Epsilon,” I defend. “My mom said they’re harder on legacies. They don’t want them to take things for granted.” A band of stress wraps around my stomach. If I don’t get in, I’ll never hear the end of it.

Wren snorts. “I’m sure that’s true for anyone whose name isn’t Delacroix.”

My gaze lowers to the can in my hands. I play with the pull tab, my nail pressing on it repeatedly. They might take me, but once in, who knows how they treat the girls they feel threatened by.

“Don’t worry, Alex,” Ella reassures me as if she can read my mind. “If the bitches go hard on you, Peach will kick their asses.”

“She’s going to do a backflip right into their faces,” Chester adds. “Same with Ella.”

Ella nods. “Gotta put those cheerleading skills to good use, babe.”

Chester wraps an arm around my shoulders. “We’d protect our favorite girl at all costs.”

A thankful smile spreads on my face as I gaze at all of them. “I love you, guys.”

“Alright.” Peach’s groggy voice resonates in the room as she appears from the hallway. “Time to find out who our sisters are going to be for the next four years.”

“You girls are my sisters,” Ella adds in a cheery voice.

“So cheesy. You’re killing me.” Wren messes Ella’s hair, and she pushes him away.

“Stop it, we’re cute,” she fights back as we gather all our stuff and start making our way out. We have to join everyone on the football field. That’s where they will give us our letters so we can find out where we’ve been invited.

Weirdly, I thought being accepted into Xi Ep would make me feel happier than I do right now. I feel great, relieved knowing my mom will be proud of me for getting into the same sorority house as her. But the day was long, and my mind seems to be wandering back to one person and one person only.

They’ve shown us which of the bedrooms in the house will be ours once they start initiation. We’ll be staying in our dorms till then. Of course, the sorority houses at SFU are like nothing I’ve heard of before in my life. We all get a private bedroom with an ensuite. One for each of the fifty girls living here. The house is practically a castle, and I got lost in there around five times today. That should have kept me busy, but all I could think about was Ziad.