Page 26 of Heartless Beloved

He shrugs. “Sometimes. Do you know which dorm you’re staying in?”

“I’m in Iris Hall.”

He only nods to acknowledge my answer and keeps driving.

I look around, seeing volunteers show freshmen with their parents around. Everyone is walking by with a box or a suitcase. Plastic bins are overloaded with things, and the students are looking excited and scared at the same time.

I watch as a bunch of girls walk past our slow-driving car. Their checkered burgundy and white skirt flies in the summer wind and their laughs are carried to my ears.

They look so happy. My stomach twists with excitement. My new life is about to start and everything that used to scare me can be left at the gates of Silver Falls University.

The car stops, and I look at him. Finally, he turns to me. “Iris Hall, huh? Were the shared dorms a bit too tight for you?”

I hide my face in my hands as an awkward laugh escapes me. “The apartments are for three people and my two best friends go to SFU, too, so we thought it’d be nicer to be together.”

“I’m only fucking with you, cupcake,” he says. “Do you often feel the need to justify every decision you make?”

I glance back up, feeling my eyes widen at the truth he’s just pinpointed.

“Uh…” I hesitate.

He shakes his head. It seemsunimpressedis his default setting around me, and yet his face still makes me melt at how handsome he is. This man should not exist.

“Come on. I’ll walk you to your door.”

He exits the car before I can react. I hurry out, meeting him in front of it. “It’s okay.” I put my hands in front of me. “You’ve done so much for me already. I insist you go back to your day now.”

“You’re still giving me baby chick vibes. You’re gonna fall down the stairs as soon as I turn my back. Come on.”

He walks to the building, and I’m forced to follow. I’m the one who lives here, after all.

There’s a student in uniform by the building door. Her crisp white shirt is ironed perfectly, and she has a massive smile on her face.

“Hi!” she beams. “I’m Carly, your student rep for Iris Hall. Welcome to SFU!”

She’s directing her words at me, like it’s so evident that the man with me can’t possibly be the one moving to SFU.

“Hi.” I offer her a small smile. I know this kind of girl. I bet she moved straight from Stoneview to SFU, overly nice and welcoming so she can stab you in the back later. Her focus is solely on me, the rich-looking girl who can potentially bring her something down the line.

“I’ll just need your apartment and room number. You should have received a magnetic card by mail, it gives you access to the building. All the apartments have an electronic keypad to get in and you should have received the code in your welcome pack.”

A gust of wind wafts her choking perfume in my face and my mouth twists.

“I had a problem with my car and my welcome pack was in there. I can’t access it right now. Do you have a spare card, maybe?”

“Oh.” She gives me a fake sorry smile and tilts her head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. We’re very strict when it comes to security. Let me take your name, and I’ll contact the administration.”

She’s already looking down at the sheet attached to her clipboard, her eyebrows drawn together and waiting for me to say my name.

“Alexandra Delacroix,” I mumble.

Her head snaps up. “Oh.” She pauses. Then it truly sinks in. “Oh.” She looks at her sheet again. “Yes. Absolutely. I’m so sorry. I’ll get you a card.”

Her eyes finally go to the man standing right next to me. “You must be her security. We don’t usually give people access to the building after moving day, but if I take your name down and register you, I can give you a card too.”

“That won’t—”

I don’t get to saybe necessarysince he cuts me off. “That would be great.” He barely offers her the shadow of a smile that she’s already melting for him.