Page 161 of Heartless Beloved

“It’s okay, Mom. They didn’t go in.” I put a hand on her shoulder, before rubbing it against my black leggings when I realize how clammy it feels.

It’s Ella’s dad’s birthday, and my anxiety has been eating at me. There are so many things I don’t like about this day that I haven’t been able to eat more than a slice of bread in the last forty-eight hours.

The main thing would be that Xi is coming, and I will have to introduce him to my parents as my boyfriend. I haven’t even told them my boyfriend is coming. I want people around when I tell my dad, so he’s forced to react in a decent manner. I already know what I’m going to hear from him privately. That I shouldn’t be dating anyone and focusing on my studies. I don’t even know at what point we’re going to have thewhat does he doconversation and, even worse: what do his parents do.

“Stand up straight, Alex.” My dad’s voice startles me, and my shoulders pull back automatically as I elongate my spine.

“Sorry,” I murmur.

My mom smiles brightly at my dad. “I am so happy we can all be here for Gerald’s birthday.”

My dad nods, his eyes on his phone. “Wonderful,” he mumbles.

I don’t like Ella’s father. Neither does Ella. He’s a shady man who always makes me and my friends uncomfortable.

“You ladies should get ready,” my dad says as he heads for his office. “Guests will be here in two hours.”

My mother claps her hands, excited for another social event where she will be the center of attention. Everyone wants to be friends with the billionaire heiress of a renowned French artist.

“Alex,” my dad says, still looking at his phone. “I had Lydia put your clothes on your bed. Don’t go too heavy on the make-up. Some people from my party are going to be here.”


“None of that bright pink lipstick you wear. It makes you look like a cheap whore.”

I recoil slightly when he says that and turn to my mom to check if she heard it. She pretends she didn’t, like every time my dad insults me.

“It’s fuchsia,” I mumble as I head for the grand staircase and to my room.

When my dad walks into my room to check if I’m presentable for the party, I feel cold sweat running down my spine. I bought the same bracelet he had gotten me, minus the tracker. If he checked my credit card statement, he’d have seen it, but he still hasn’t said anything. I’m wearing my new bracelet now since Xi cut off the other one. I usually keep the one with the tracker in my bag and wear the fake one.

He observes me like a hawk does his prey, ready to pounce at any time. I try my hardest not to tremble under his stare, not to break and admit everything. My father can try to hurt me tonight, but it will be the last time he does so.

When he can’t find anything to say about my outfit, my hair, or my makeup, he goes for my body. For things I can’t control.

“You look a little pale.”

Of course I do, I’m terrified he will discover what I did.

“I feel a little unwell,” I admit. “The party will help, I’m sure.”

“Your boobs are too big. We should think of a breast reduction before people start thinking they’re all you’re about.”

I gulp. Would he really? He ignores my reaction and keeps going.

“One glass of champagne tonight and that’s it. Show me how you smile.”

I lick my dry lips. The pale pink lipstick tastes bitter. When I plaster my perfected Stoneview smile to my face, his falls.

“Dear God,” he huffs. “You look like some trafficker is trying to get you through the border. What is wrong with you, Alexandra?”

“I’m sorry,” I murmur meekly. “But I don’t think people will be bothered about the way I smi–”

When he slaps me, I clench my teeth instead of crying out.

“You know how I feel about you saying ‘but’ to me. There are no but’s. I say something, you listen, period.”

I take a calming breath.