Page 150 of Heartless Beloved

When he reaches me, his hand flies to my ponytail, wrapping it around his fist and forcing me to gaze up. His lips crash against mine and my hands go to grab his t-shirt. He ravages my mouth with passion as our tongues entangle and my body relaxes into his hold.

I feel his other hand around my neck, but I don’t understand what he’s doing until we separate, too taken by our embrace. I only realize what he did when he lets go of me, retreats back, and I’m forced to follow.

“What the—” I choke when something tightens around my neck. Looking at his hand, I notice the end of his belt in it and follow the leather to my… “Xi!” I shriek as my hands go to my neck.

He pulls again and, this time, I fall to my knees. “I’m going to kill you,” I cough. It’s too tight for me to slip my fingers underneath, and I panic when I see him take a step back again. “Stop!” I fall forward, catching myself with my palms.

“On your hands and knees for me again, baby. What a good girl.”

I look up, squinting at him. “I hate you. God, I hate you right now.”

“I love to finally see some fight in you. But don’t think that’s how you should be apologizing for disobeying. Try again.” He pulls, walking backward, and I’m forced to crawl after him.

“Stop moving…it’s tight,” I cough again.

“Crawl quicker, then.”

“Xi,” I cry out, choking and in need of air. “Stop, I get it. I’m sorry!”

I hate myself for apologizing right now, but he’s not giving me much of a choice.

“Not nearly enough.”

He turns around, showing me the back of his legs as he pulls some more. The room is enormous. It’s a game room with a pool table in the middle and multiple vintage arcade games. It’s so gigantic it has its own bowling alley. Xi steps on it and I’m forced to crawl after him.

“Stop,” I pant as I attempt to accelerate so I don’t choke. “Please…I’m sorry. I’m sorry for coming to the party.”

“That’s right, you are. Keep going.”

He’s not even looking at me as he walks the length of the mini bowling alley. “I should have listened and stayed home.”

“What about those texts you ignored for the pastthree. Fucking.Weeks?”

“We’re broken up!”

A quick yank and I cough. “Fine! I’m sorry for that too.Please, stop.”

Getting to the end, he finally stops and turns around. His eyes are dark with anger and his jaw clenched. “I’ve been attending these parties for much longer than you have, Alex. I’ve been selling to rich kids for as long as I can remember. These parties aren’t safe. I don’t want you attending them when I’m not here. Is that clear?”

I nod as I try to sit back on my haunches, but he pulls harshly again, bringing me right back to my hands and knees.

“Isaid,is. That. Clear?”

“Yes!” I drag in some much-needed air.

“Tell me how sorry you are for putting yourself in danger.”

“I’m sorry for putting myself in danger,” I mumble.

Still holding the belt, he steps behind me and runs his hand against my tight, fuchsia vinyl skirt.

“Do you often dress so sexy for parties without me?” he growls as he pulls my skirt up and to my waist.

I wanted to flirt tonight. I wanted to get hit on by some guy whoisn’tXi. But I can’t tell him that.

“I-I…It’s just a costume.”

“Good,” he approves, to my surprise. “I want everyone to see what they can’t have.” He grabs my thong and pulls it all the way to my knees. “Want to tell me why crawling for me on a leash makes you so wet?”