Page 148 of Heartless Beloved

“Hi, Alex,” she says before taking another drag of her cigarette. “That was a long time you spent in there. Very studious.”

“Um, hi.” I rack my brain, trying to understand what she’s doing here. I don’t like this woman. Not now that I know she was encouraging Xi to use me all along. Even the night he told them he wanted to stop it all, she insisted he went through with everything.

My narrowed gaze does nothing to deter her. She takes a puff and turns her head to the side to blow out the smoke. “Xi asked me to keep an eye on you.”

I feel my eyebrows lift to my hairline. “Keep an eye on me? What am I? A ward?”

Ignoring my sarcasm, she adds. “He also said he didn’t want you to go to the Halloween party at the frat house tonight.”

“Is this a joke? I don’t need a babysitter. And if he doesn’t want me to go to a party, he can damn well tell me himself. He’s had no problem texting me threats.”

I readjust my bag on my shoulder. “I’m sorry he wasted your time, but I don’t need any of this. It’s…it’s ridiculous. Xi and I aren’t together anymore.”

“Look,” she says more seriously. “Xi can’t be here, and he knows how bad frat parties get on Halloween night. I can’t make you do anything, and I can’t hold you hostage at your house, but what I can do is strongly suggest you listen to him.”

“Okay,” I smile sweetly. “Well, tell Xi that I wasn’t born yesterday, and I know how to take care of myself. For fuck’s sake, how old does he think I am? Oh, and also tell him that if he doesn’t stop harassing me, I’ll block his number. In fact…” I grab my phone from my bag and go to Xi’s number. He’s really done it. He’s pissed me off. I block his contact and look back at Zara. “Done.”

“You know he changes phones so often that’s totally useless.”

“I don’t care. I’ll block all of them.”

I stalk across the lawn in the direction I take to go home. What a joke.

* * *

“No, he didn’t,” Ella chokes on her drink. I just told her about the Zeta Nu pledge named Duncan, who told me his final dare was to get a picture of a girl sucking his dick and that he had kindly offered for that girl to be me.

I refused. Of course.

An hour ago, my two best friends and I finally pledged to Xi Epsilon, and we were invited to party with Zeta Nu to celebrate. It’s a relief to finally be at a party and not have to worry about anything I say or do. We’re all wearing Halloween costumes, and I went for a dead Barbie. I’m wearing a vinyl fuchsia skirt with a white t-shirt that hasBarbiewritten across my boobs. I’ve tied my blonde hair up in a ponytail and I’m wearing my fuchsia-colored lipstick. My usual Gucci bag is hanging over my shoulder, perfecting the Barbie appearance.

“ThatBarbiewriting stretches so far across your double D’s it’s hard to focus,” Peach admits before taking a sip of her drink.

“Thank you,” I laugh. I know it’s a compliment from her.

“Hello girls,” someone says behind us.

Chester and Wren come into view. My mouth flattens when I see Chester’s splint. We haven’t spoken since the whole Xi ordeal. He never reached out to me to apologize and there’s absolutely no way I will make the first step.

Wren wraps an arm around Peach’s shoulders, but she shrugs him away. It seems they have unresolved issues as well.

“Guys, you’re looking at three official Xi Ep girls. Where’s our congratulations,” Ella cheers.

Chester puts his drink in the air, and we follow. “To the three hottest Xi Ep girls I’ve ever seen,” he slurs. He downs his drink and looks around. “I think I need another one.”

“Damn, you’redrunkdrunk,” Peach says.

He shrugs his shoulders. “It’s the last night of initiations. Gotta make the best of it.”

“I heard every guy has a mission to accomplish tonight before you get to pledge. What’s yours?” Ella eyes the guys as she takes another sip, her curious stare making me giggle.

It’s Wren who answers. “Sorry, we can’t tell you. It’s a secret.”

“No way.” I give him a friendly slap on the shoulder. “You can tell us. It’sus.”

They both shake their heads. “We’re not gonna compromise our initiations for your pretty eyes,” Chester laughs.

He points at me, his finger touching my chest. “I’m talking about you.Yourpretty eyes.”