Page 143 of Heartless Beloved

“Alex, please,” he goes to stand up, but I put a hand in front of me.

“Don’t…don’t come near me.”

“I did it for my family,” he says in a restrained voice. “You don’t know what it’s like here,” he rasps. “The Kings are taking everything from us. All we have left is the little help we found. And they want something on your dad. I did it for NSC. They’re everything to me.”

“And I was just the plan.”

“No,” he grits. “Fuck.” He fists the sheet in frustration. I can see he wants to get up but is respecting my wish to stay back. “Yes, it started like that. But falling for you wasn’t part of the plan. Developing a conscience. The ever-growing obsession…that wasn’t part of the fucking plan!”

Something hits me now when it should have weeks ago. I want to slap myself for being so blinded by him to see it.

“You never become obsessed, do you, Xi?”

He shakes his head. “I promise you I don’t.”

“Only twice. That’s what you said.”

He nods slowly, probably understanding where I’m going.

“What’s the other one?”


“What’s the other one?” I rage. “Me and what else?” I hiss through gritted teeth.

“Taking back the North Shore,” he mutters. The regret is so apparent in his voice.

Who knew that would be the first real thing I would ever hear in his platonic tone. No more indifference, only regret. It could have been love, but it’s guilt.

I feel my chin tremble. “That’s the problem, Xi.” I take in a ragged breath. “You can’t have both.”

I step back to turn around, but his harsh voice stops me. “You lied to me too.” His explanation comes with accusation. “I’ve seen enough injuries in my life to know those bruises on your body aren’t from a fall, Alex.”

I feel my jaw moving from side to side, clenching as I look for something to say.

I have nothing.

“I guess we’re both liars,” he accuses me.

“I guess it’s good we’re breaking up, then,” I retort spitefully. I can’t deny I lied. I can’t be that kind of hypocrite.

“We’renotbreaking up,” he growls. “Get that idea out of your fucking head.”

Instead of giving in to his nonsense, I ask one last question. “Was there anything else? That you lied about.” He hesitates. “Tell me now, Xi. You owe me at least that.”

I can barely see him, but I notice a flash of his bright white teeth and how his tongue grazes the front top ones. It’s that thing he does all the time.

“No, baby. You know everything.”

He slowly stands up and takes a step toward me. Finally illuminated by the light, he stands like a god in front of the mere human I am. His beautiful chest moves slowly, inhaling the oxygen that fuels his lies. My eyes watch his abs carved in bronze. Everything in his physicality slaps you in the face with its perfection.

“Stay with me, Alex.” His voice is a pleading rasp.

And I know.

I know right at this moment that I can never trust this man again.

If he weren’t the epitome of immorality, he would have been my savior.