Page 137 of Heartless Beloved

My heart knocks against my chest as my back stiffens from fear.

I shake my head, not finding my voice. Elliot leans down, his smile turning predatory. “It means that if we hurt you. We hurt him.”

A whimper escapes me as he grabs a switchblade from his pocket, clicking it open.

“P-please,” My hands go to Ethan’s around my neck. “I don’t want any trouble. I just…”want to go home.

My voice resonates loudly in my head. It sounds just like that night.

I want to go home.

I want to go home.

I squeeze my eyes shut, forcing myself to focus. “He was using me. He doesn’t care about me. I p-promise you this will lead nowhere.”

“You’re going to deliver a message from us.” Elliot’s voice is so hard now. His face lost the soft features I saw earlier today. “Think you can do that? In exchange…we let you live.”

I try to nod, but Ethan’s hand prevents that. “Y-yes,” I squeak.

“You’re going to tell him that we want the information he’s been withholding from us. And that if he doesn’t give it,” he brings his knife to my cheek, the deadly end pressing against my skin. He’s not pushing. He’s not cutting me, but the fear is enough to make me whimper, and the message is clear.

“Does that sound like an easy message to relay?” Elliot insists.

Myyesis barely audible because I don’t dare take another breath.

“Good. Because if you don’t, I’m afraid we’ll have to hurt you real bad. We don’t want that, do we?”

“N-no, please.”

Ethan lowers his mouth to my ear. “Don’t fuck us over. We know where you live.”

“Please, let me go home.” I explode into a sob, feeling the ground tilt under me. Dragging in a breath, the echo of my voice resonates everywhere as they finally let me go.

I want to go home.

My ears ring, and I feel the way I lose control over my limbs. They’re shaking uncontrollably, spasming. The two disappear. I can sense they’re not around anymore.

It smells like smoke, like every time I’m thrown back to that night.

I fall to the asphalt, as I start to lose consciousness.

No. Not here, not now.

“Alex,” a voice calls out. A hand presses to my chest. “Take deep breaths. Push against my hand.” Another hand comes under my head. “Breathe, baby. I’m here.”

But it’s too late. Total blackout.



I fucked up - convolk

My eyes flutter open. I turn around in bed, attempting to get more comfortable under the covers. My arm suddenly spasming makes everything that happened come back at once. I drag in a deep breath as I try to sit up, but my muscles refuse to cooperate.

“Don’t,” Xi’s voice calls out softly. I startle when I notice him sitting on a chair next to me.

I’m not in my bed, that much is clear. I think I’m in his bed. In his room. The light is low, coming from the hallway, and I can’t really see much. It smells of him, his delicious cologne and the drying paint. I hate that, despite knowing everything, it reassures me.