Page 12 of Heartless Beloved

It’s heartbreaking when you’re forced to see who you truly are.

A sob wracks my chest as I feel him move around, and the flash comes right in front of my face again. I look down.

“Please.” I sniffle as more tears run down my face. “Just stop.”

“Have you had enough, Elisabeth?”

Scrunching my eyes shut, I nod, unable to stop the flood.

“Do you want your dad to give us the money so we can let you go?”

“Please,” I weep. I can’t control my breathing anymore. The need to go home is too intense. I just want out of his clutches.

“Please, what?” His hard voice forces more tears out of me.

“Please, Dad, give them the money,” I say to the camera. “I want to go home.” Another sob shatters through me, and I struggle to breathe more air into my lungs.

The flash turns off and his hand comes to my damp hair. Water, cum, sweat. I feel utterly disgusting, but still, he strokes me like he doesn’t care. “Well done, baby,” he says softly. “You’ve been a very good girl. This will be over soon.”

I hate the way he calls me baby. Like he’s entitled to it now that he was the first man to ever touch me.

“Please, don’t send this to my dad.”

His hand comes to wipe some of his cum on my face, rubbing it on my lips and making his eyes light up.

“Don’t worry, the moment he sees your tits, he’ll give it to someone else to watch. No father wants to witness what we did to you.”

He finally lets me go. As he stands up, I feel something around my ankles.

"What are you doing?” I snap in alarm as I twist again. Two strong hands immobilize my legs while another pair slides plastic around my ankles. They tighten the zip ties until they’re digging into my skin.

“Can’t risk you trying to escape again when we’re so close to the goal, can we?” the guy tying my ankles says.

The leader gives the phone to the fourth one. “Send it with the note:Four hours before we do worse to her.”

I whimper at his words. I can’t do this again. I need out.

They all head toward the door and lock it behind them.

I need this to be over.

I know the moment they’re going to walk back into the room, because my eyes haven’t left the clock. Dread seeps through my bones when I see three hours and fifty-nine minutes turn into four hours, making it six p.m.

I feel beaten. Abandoned.

If they’re back, my father hasn’t given them the money. I’ve never had a good relationship with him. Then again, my dad has always been a bit obsessive over me. He loves me in his own strange way. I’m his only child, his miracle. He expects anything and everything from me, and I must never disappoint. The fact that he hasn’t rescued me or paid the ransom has taken a toll on my mind.

What about my mom? She must be in a state of panic, broken.

Why am I still here?

My dad knows how to find me. If he isn’t here, it’s because he doesn’t want anyone to know his dirty secret. He doesn’t want anyone to know he tracks his daughter like a crazy man.

Darkness envelops the room again. A day has passed since I’ve been taken, and things are only worsening.

How long until I’m broken beyond repair?

I already know I’ll never be the same person again. Joyful Alex is gone. The girl who goes on dates with her boyfriend, who wins cheerleading competitions, and who rules Stoneview Prep with her friends is gone.