Page 109 of Heartless Beloved

“We have a guest,” Lik grunts, annoyed.

When they roll over toward us, I’m forced to stand up and pull Alex with me, putting her behind me. I’m the only one who can hear her small whimper when Billie slaps Emma back.

“You two need to fucking calm down,” I say calmly. With Alex trembling at my back, I grab Billie by the waist and pick her up off the floor while Lik does the same with Emma.

“How dare you hit me,” Billie shouts. “That’s my fucking career! Not everyone wants to die desperate and lonely in this fucking town like you.”

“Too far,” I snap at Billie. “Shut the fuck up now.”

“I was just offering to help,” she claps back at me as I release her and her feet touch the floor again. The girl’s the tiniest thing that exists and still fights in the UFC.

“I don’t want your money,” Emma yells. “I don’t need nobody’s fucking money!”

“Anybody’s,” Alex whispers behind me. And even though it was barely audible, Emma’s eyes flick to mine.

“What did she fucking say?” she seethes, ready to annihilate her next victim. I turn my head to Alex as she steps beside me, her hand on her mouth.

“I’m so sorry,” she squeaks like a little mouse caught by a cat. “It just came out—”

“Drop it, Emma,” I tell her sternly.

“I’m truly sorry,” Alex repeats, panicking.

“No, you’re not,” I growl.

“She better fucking be,” Emma hisses at me, ignoring Alex.

“I am,” she whimpers, her eyes darting from me to my stepsister and back.

“Fuck that. It’s a coping mechanism, and you were scaring her. So, no. She’s not sorry. I forbid her to be when it’s your fault.”

Alex glances up at me, the surprise evident in her eyes. She didn’t expect me to have figured that out, yet I did. When my girl is anxious, she becomes an unbearable know-it-all. If Emma can’t deal with it, then she should have behaved in front of our guest.

Emma inhales through her nose, clearly trying to calm herself down. “Xi. A word. Outside.”

I feel my jaw clenching, my teeth grinding as I try to not break everything in sight.

“I’ll be back,” I tell Alex softly, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

I walk to the back door that allows access to our small patio. It can barely hold two people, and the wood is so rotted that it threatens to break every time I step on it.

“What the fuck are you playing at?” Emma rages as soon as I close the door behind me. “Bringing her here? Pretending you fucking care? You’re meant to get info, not pretend you’re going to marry her.”


She pauses, looks me deep in the eyes, and shakes her head. “No. No, you don’t. I’m not letting you.”

“You’re so dramatic today you should get a fucking Oscar.”

“Xi,” she seethes, her blue eyes spearing me on the spot. “We’re at war, and weneedthe Lucianos’ protection. Now get your head out of your fucking ass and get me the info I need on her dad. This isn’t a romance film for teenage girls. This is ourlives.”

“Keep it down,” I hiss. My nostrils flare from the anger, my hands tightening into fists. I turn around, making sure the door is still closed and Alex can’t hear us. “If she hears us—”

“What? She’ll leave and break your heart? Don’t make me laugh.”

“That’s enough, Emma. I’m done with your shit today. I was going to give you your info and make sure not to hurt Alex while I do so. But maybe I’ll just drop the info part.”

“Excuse me? What world do you live in that you thought you could get me info on the girl’s dad without hurting her?” She takes a step toward me, the threat like knives in her eyes. Emma’s not a big girl, but she’s also not scared of anything. Not even me. “Vito Luciano asked for something. You don’t say no to him. Not if you want to keep your head on your shoulders. Not if you truly care about getting the North Shore back from the Kings.”