Page 98 of Beautiful Fiend

Kay finally takes the phone and looks at me. “Hey,” she says. She looks exhausted, but at least I know she’s safe. “Girls, Nana is gonna keep an eye on you while Mommy talks to Uncle Caden, alright?”

She doesn’t really wait for an answer. She opens a door and closes it behind her before leaning on it.

“How’s mom?” I ask. It feels strange to even say those words.

“She’s not talking to me, but at least she’s taking care of the girls.”

“Not talking at all?”

“Bare minimum. She hates me. What can I do.” She pinches the bridge of her nose as her annoyed voice continues, “At least she still loves her grandkids enough to welcome them here.”

My mother never wanted kids. She was with my dad, who was an abusive dick. He got her pregnant twice before she managed to escape his clutches. She’s never wanted to see us, and my dad never wanted to give us any information about her. I know her a little bit and remember her from when I was a kid. I mainly remember my dad humiliating her with his words and beating the shit out of her. Kayla spent more years with her, except they never formed a bond.

When Dad died, we found her number in his phone and contacted her from Kay’s number. She seemed a little nicer to us since we called her to inform her that her old abuser was dead. And she agreed to help us. We need the twins away from the North Shore, but we have nowhere to go. She’s our last hope.

“How long can you stay there for?” I ask.

My sister shakes her head. “I don’t know.” She takes a deep breath, and her voice wobbles. “But she said she’ll take the girls.”

“In that case, you can stay too.”

“She lives in a one-bedroom apartment in a really shit building, Cade. She’s got no room for me. She barely has any room for them.”

“So what? You three come back here? All that for nothing?”

She shakes her head and tears spring to her eyes. “She said she’ll take care of them for me for a little while.”

I run a hand through my hair and run my tongue piercing against the back of my teeth before telling her what she needs to hear. “They’ll be safe there, Kay. Safer than here.”

The fear I went through the night of the fire must have been nothing compared to what Kay felt. She almost lost her two precious girls, and now she can’t bring them back here.

“NSC wants a war,” I insist. “It’s getting violent here. Plus, they can’t stay under our roof when we’re not even sure it’ll hold till tomorrow.”

“I don’t know her,” she says quietly. “They’re my babies, Cade. I can’t leave my babies with a stranger.”

I hesitate, working my jaw from side to side. There’s another issue. “How long can you stay? The longer we delay appointing a new leader, the more likely Sawyer will take Dad’s place.”

She nods, and her mouth twists. “I’m staying as long as I can. As long as Mom lets me. I’m sorry, but I need to make sure my girls are in good hands when I do leave.”

“I understand,” I nod. “Give Livie and Lia a kiss from me.”

We hang up, and I barely have time to put my phone down and check if Billie texted me before someone is knocking on my front door.

I open to Ethan and Elliot, then smile when I see Jade behind them. “Well, look who’s talking to me again.”

They all come in, and Jade puts a pack of beers on the coffee table in my living room.

“They made me buy this to make it up to you.”

“Me? I’m not mad at you. You’re the one who shouted at me.”

“Okay, well, it’s a sorry present.”

“A sorry present,” I snort. “I’m not the one you should say sorry to.” I head to the kitchen and turn the microwave on since I left my meal in there.

“Are you saying I should say sorry to little Scott?” Jade snarls as I walk back into the living room. “NSC is starting a war on us, Cade. Maybe when you’re done burying your face in her pussy you could look into that.”

“I have a feeling this is not how your apology should have gone.”