Page 42 of Beautiful Fiend

I should freak out at remembering when he forced his head between my legs. The way one of his best friends was holding me down, and the other was filming me.

Yet, all I can think about right now is having him back inside me. And thankfully, that’s all he wants too. He pushes his finger back in and hisses. “Why are you so fucking tight? You’re no virgin, Billie. I know that much.”

I might as well fucking be now. I’ve not let a man near me since that fateful night two years ago. Although I would never tell him that. He’d be way too happy about it.

My body burns as he starts moving in and out of me.

It’s one finger.

From a man I hate.

And yet, I can feel sweat running down my neck. I can feel myself under so much pleasure I want to weep. He inserts another one and bends down again to kiss my neck.

As he thrusts his two fingers into me, he trails kisses down my throat and collarbone until he’s just above my tits. He kisses the top of the left, then the right, and before I know what’s going on, he’s biting and sucking. I twist out of pleasure, writhing under the tension.

Why do his teeth on my skin feel so good? I know he’s bruising me. I should feel exposed and used, but I just want to let him in. I just want to let myself fall.

I explode as soon as he curls his fingers and rubs against the magic spot inside me. I tremble as I come undone, riding the wave of my orgasm until I can’t anymore.

I finally come down when he pulls his hand away and straightens up.

The problem with falling is that, eventually, you hit the ground.

As his warmth dissipates and I’m left cold, half-naked, and with a ripped shirt, a loathing comes over me. I push him off me.

“Oh my god,” I gasp. “Get off me!”

My shout wakes up Murder and in a split second, she’s barking at Caden, who’s just fallen onto the floor. Baring her teeth, her mouth drips with saliva. She barks again and Caden stands up.

“Holy fucking shit,” he laughs. “Has this thing been here all along?”

I hear a door in the house and heavy steps in the hallway.

“Bil’s!" my dad shouts.

My eyes practically pop out of my head, and I look at Caden. Murder barks at him again, and he puts a hand in front of himself. “Nice doggie…”


A knock on my door makes us both jump. “Bil’s, are you okay?”

No, I’m not fucking okay.

In fact, I’m speechless.

I eye my knife, which Caden left on the bed and his eyes follow where I’m looking.

“Don’t you dare,” he mouths. I slowly move my hand toward the knife, and he pounces on me, grabbing it and pushing my head against the bed. Murder barks and rages, jumping on the bed too. He retreats just as my dad pushes my door open.

“I’m coming in,” Dad announces loudly.

I become suddenly aware of my nakedness and grab the covers to pull them up to my chin. I look to my right and Caden has disappeared, though Murder is still barking like a mad dog.

“Calm down, girl,” I say softly, tapping the tiny space between me and the wall. “Come.”

“Are you okay?” my dad finally says, and I stare at the gun pointed at the rest of the room.

“Dad! I’m fine,” I exclaim. “Put your gun down, for fuck’s sake.”