Page 36 of Beautiful Fiend

I’m not even listening to her babbling anymore. I walk to the en-suite, holding my jeans mid-thigh, and remove the condom before cleaning my cock with some tissues. I rinse my mouth, feeling sick from the musky taste of her pussy, and I use some mouthwash to get rid of it. I zip up my jeans and desperately try to rearrange my black hair, to no avail. It’s to my ears and always messy no matter what I do. Strands constantly fall into my eyes, and I run a hand through them to try and see clearly.

When I walk back into the bedroom, she’s rummaging through her purse. I put my t-shirt and hoodie back on. She hugs me tightly from the back as a hand full of cash appears in front of me.

“There’s a tip there for the commitment you put into fucking me.”

It’s always the same feeling I get when I take the money. Revulsion rolls over my entire body. My mind goes into overdrive, and I feel like tears will explode from my eyes. My throat is always so tight, my ‘thank you’ comes out mumbled as I try to push down the nausea.

Then, when I put it in my pocket and walk back to the kid’s room whose mom pays younger men for sex, I think of how beautiful my life will be when I leave the North Shore for good.

After Harry Malone, I tutor Jordan, aka Julianne’s son. It’s the same thing, just a different woman with different needs.

At least Julianne doesn’t make me call her mommy. She’s more into the bad boy look. She wants to be spanked and fucked in the ass because her husband is a devoted member of their church and would never do the kind of things I do to her. Whereas Chantale likes to give me the cash directly, Julianne leaves it on the table, too ashamed of what she’s just done.

Either way, I keep my mouth shut and take it. And when I feel particularly disgusting, I help myself to a tip behind their backs.

By six p.m., I’m back home with almost two grand in my pocket. Three tutoring lessons and three fucks, plus what I stole from them. Stoneview moms pay a lot of money to fulfill their dirty desires.

I push the door open to our rundown house and go straight for the bathroom. Kay tries to talk to me, but I feel too dirty to even stop. It’s only when I’ve showered for half an hour under burning water and put some clean clothes on that I walk back into the living room.

“How was your day?” my sister asks, folding some laundry.

“I really wish all the girls who have ever tried to out-throne you could see you folding laundry in such a housewife attire.”

She cocks an eyebrow at me. “Doyoufold laundry? Does dad? No. Someone has to fucking do it.”

I grab my phone and keys, putting them in my pockets before heading to the door. “Have fun.”

“Where are you going?” she shouts at my retreating back.

“To kill a few fuckers.”

The best thing is, I’m not even joking.

“Remind me why we’ve been sitting in front of Matthew’s since seven?” Elliot asks as he grabs chips from the bag on his lap.

“Waiting for the devil’s hour.” I smile at him in the mirror from the driver’s seat.

“I could swear that’s at three a.m.,” Ethan adds next to me. “I’m not waiting here tillthree, man. I’ve got shit to do.”

“People to fuck,” Elliot says, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Like Jade?” I wink.

“Fuck off with Jade. Both of you.”

“Come on, brother,” Elliot insists. “She’s an amazing fuck, and I never had any intention to keep her after I had her. You can have her back now.”

“I don’t want your sloppy seconds, Elliot,” Ethan snarls. “Plus, she’s into Cade now. Right?”

“No thanks,” I snort. “She’s always been into me. I just never wanted her back.”

“Poor Jade,” Elliot sighs mockingly. “She just wants to fuck us in peace. We’re the ones causing trouble.”

“I’m gonna choke you with your chip bag,” Ethan threatens coolly.

“Talking about choking. Did you try on Jade? Cause I did and—”

“His girl’s gone,” I cut him off. “Elliot, grab the zip ties in the back. I’ll find a window to sneak in. Ethan, you go through the front door.”