Page 28 of Beautiful Fiend

Shaking my head, I try to bring myself back to reality. “Um, hi,” I finally blurt out. I awkwardly put the ice pack down and shake his hand, realizing too late that my hand is wet from the ice. Feeling self-conscious, I take the small towel from my shoulders and tie my hair in my usual ponytail.

“Taylor is an old friend of mine. He’s a professional MMA agent, and he came to see you fight tonight.” Dickie can barely hold back the smile spreading on his face.

I blink up at Taylor, not believing what I’m hearing.

“Sorry, what?” I finally say.

“You’ve got some real talent there, Billie. You’re a fighter if I’ve ever seen one, that’s for sure. Dickie’s been begging for me to come to one of your fights for months. I regret not coming sooner.”

It takes me a minute to pick my jaw up off the floor.

“Bil’s,” Dickie smiles. “What T. is trying to say is that he wants to represent you and put you forward for professional fights.”

“What?” I whisper. I grab the bottle of water I’d put away and down the rest before squeezing it past its limit. “W-what do you mean by professional fights?”

“Well,” Taylor finally says. “We’ll start with some small local pro fights. Earn you a reputation within the East Coast and—”

“Wait,” I choke. “By local, you mean East Coast?”

“Yeah, we won’t be able to get you to the West Coast this year. But who knows, maybe we can get you a fight for King of The Cage or Elite Xtreme Combat next year. Who knows, we might even get you to Road FC by the end of next year.”

“Road FC.” I inhale in shock. The South Korean lower league has seen some of the best women fighters, including the current UFC champion.

“Of course.” He nods like it’s no big deal. “You’re small and skinny, though. So we have a lot of work ahead of us. We might need you to change weight class, so be prepared to put on weight.” He smiles softly at me. “I’ll take good care of you, Billie. I’m one of the best in the game, and if you let me, who knows where you’ll be in two or three years. UFC is on the table for you, girl. You just have to put in the work.”

Put in the work. So I can go to the UFC.

This is what I’ve dreamed about for as long as I can remember. Making money out of my passion.Getting away from the North Shore.

“Well,” I huff as I fall back on the bench. “Shit.”

Dickie cackles a laugh. “She's not used to good news, T. Give her a minute.”

“Alright,” Taylor smiles. “I will, but time is money. So, I’m going to give you my card and you can call me if you’re interested.”

I snatch the card off him and practically shout, “I’m interested!”

He joins Dickie in the amused side of the room and taps his shoulder. “I like her already. Email me, Billie, and I’ll send you a draft of my contract. If you sign, I’m yours. In the meantime,” he gives Dickie a serious look before looking at me again, “no drugs, no alcohol, no fights outside the gym. And absolutelynoinvolvement in illegal activities. Keep training hard, and don’t injure yourself.”

I gulp at the mention of illegal activities, even though I nod.

“Our contract will have a clause that states I will only take you on if you win this local amateur championship,” he continues. “I need someone with no losses, or you’ll have no credibility out there. I’m not worried, in any case. You’re going to give Killer Clover her first loss, aren’t you?”

I nod, but I know he can see the hesitation in my eyes.

“This is the real deal now, Billie. You go for it, or you’re left behind. There are thousands of great fighters out there. Show me you’re more than great. Show me you’re exceptional.”

He nods at Dickie and finally heads out of the room.

“Oh my god!” I shriek as I jump up and into Dickie’s arms. “How long have you been planning this? Why didn’t you say anything? Oh my god…oh my god!!”

I release him and stare at him with tears in my eyes. “Thank you,” I finally drop quietly. “Fuck, Dickie. Thank you.”

He messes my ponytail and cracks a smile. “It’s all you, kiddo. But you heard him. Time to take this shit seriously.”

“I know.” I nod enthusiastically, even though I realize it’s impossible for me to stay out of trouble for now. But I won’t get caught. I know I won’t get caught. I need this like I need air. I’m going to win, and I’m going to become a professional MMA fighter.

I fucking deserve this.