Page 161 of Beautiful Fiend

Before coming here, I had dinner with my family and brought Caden. Everyone was waiting for me in a restaurant in Silver Falls. Dickie and Taylor were there. So were my sister, Xi, Lik, and my dad. Aisha’s words made me realize that we can genuinely defy anything. Even our crews’ beliefs.

Xi almost said something, but Emma put a hand on his arm and he retreated. After that, no one said anything. Everyone pretended like our life-long enemy wasn’t eating at the same table as us.

We popped a champagne bottle Taylor bought for us, and I signed my contract with him. He didn’t waste one minute, saying he would contact me with the exact details for the first minor league professional championship but that we would be going to the state of New York for now.

I’ve only ever been to Los Angeles in my life, and that was because Bianco’s mafia had sent me there for underground fights. Other than that, I’ve never seen anything outside of Silver Falls and Stoneview.

When we left, my dad did mention this wouldn’t be happening regularly and that he never wanted Caden in the house.

I don’t care. It’s a step in the right direction.

I feel euphoric, everything surreal and the happiness overwhelming. Caden’s hand in mine the whole night has been grounding me. His soft words and praises keep a constant smile on my face.

When Elliot opens the door, he smiles brightly at me. “Welcome to the enemy’s house, little Scott. Please, come in.”

I open my mouth to retort something but decide against it. Elliot has already disappeared into the kitchen anyway, and we make our way to the living room.

“Would you look at that,” Ethan says from the sofa. “You did give him a second chance after all.”

“Well,” I shrug. “I owed you a favor, didn’t I?”

“You know you’re dead for snitching, right?” Caden jumps in. “She wasn’t supposed to know anything.”

“You can’t kill me,” Ethan smiles gradually. “I’m the one who got her out of Sawyer’s house. If anything, you owe me your life,” he adds dramatically.

“Not killing Jade is plenty enough,” Caden mumbles low. “You guys are lucky I fucking love you like brothers, or your bitch would be six-feet under.”

“I heard that,” Elliot exclaims, coming back into the living room with a pack of beers. “Jade’s punishment is for us to worry about.”

“She better fucking suffer, Elliot,” Caden rumbles, getting heated.

“I’ve been wanting to make her pay since she went from me to Elliot,” Ethan admits. “This is just another thing to add to the list. Trust me when I tell you Jade will pay.”

“And I’ll get proof?” my boyfriend insists.

“Caden,” I jump in. “I’m over her. Okay? I know what Jade did, but if anything, it stopped me from being raped by Sawyer.” I shake my head. “We’re moving on to greater things. Just leave her behind.”

Elliot gives Caden a knowing look before he turns to me, pointing the beers in my direction. “So, I hear you’re a professional MMA fighter. Let’s celebrate.”

We all pop open a beer, even me. I get to let go tonight.

I feel Caden hesitate a few more seconds before he nods to himself.

“To Billie,” he says as we all join our beers up in the air. “Billie Unbeatable Scott. My fucking girl.”

“To seeing Billie in UFC!” Elliot adds before we all drink a sip.

By the end of our beer, Caden is getting restless, and I put a hand on his knee as it vibrates up and down while we sit on the sofa.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m excited, that’s it.”


“Yeah, I want to show you your celebratory gift. Come.”

It’s only when he opens the door to a basement that I remember Ethan’s words about Sawyer.