Page 149 of Beautiful Fiend

I let Xi kick me to the curb. There’s no point fighting. Not here, not now.

But fuck that, if she thinks this is over.

It’s never over.

I knock so hard on Ethan and Elliot’s door it’s impossible for them to ignore me. Elliot is the one who answers. He’s in his boxers, his hair a mess, and I can only assume he was sleeping since it’s barely eight.

I shoulder past him right away, storming into his house.

“What the fuck happened?”

Ethan comes out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands and is ready for the day.

“Man, where have you been?” Elliot asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Shit’s been going down.”

“And by that, do you mean Sawyer beat the shit out of Billie, and neither of you told me?”

“We tried calling you,” he defends himself. Ethan stays silent, not feeling the need to justify anything.

“Why call me when you could fucking intervene? Did you see what he did to her?!” I bark. “What the fuck even happened? Was it just him?”

I’m barely sane on a good day, but their silence tips me over the edge. “Fucking answer me!” I rage as I flip their coffee table over.

“Take a seat,” Ethan says calmly. “And stop breaking our house.”

I’m panting, ready to punch him in the face, but I manage to hold myself back. I need them on my side. So I sit down with Elliot while Ethan settles on an opposite armchair.

“Sawyer fucked up,” Ethan says.

There’s a silence, the brothers exchanging a look before Elliot adds, “And so did Jade.”

I run my hands against my face, trying to check if this is reality.

“What the fuck happened,” I growl. I haven’t slept in more than twenty-four hours, and nothing makes sense anymore. I’m running on adrenaline, not even feeling the bruises on my face from Lik and Xi. I want to fucking die and go to a different universe where none of this happened. Where Billie and I can simply be. Without anyone getting in the way.

“From what I understand,” Elliot starts. “Sawyer told Billie you were sending her on a job last night. So she went. I’m not sure, I wasn’t there for any of that. All I know is Sawyer called me and told us to come over. When we arrived, Jade and Hook were there too. They had bags of weapons in the living room, and I could tell by Jade being all excited that they were up to no good.”

“Yeah. I believe they fucking were, Elliot,” I snap. “Why would Billie go on the job? She knows I don’t want her to do them anymore.”

“I don’t know. All I know is that Billie showed up at Sawyer’s saying her car had been broken into and the merchandise was gone. She didn’t know it was Sawyer who stole it. He clearly had planned it all.”

“Him and Jade,” Ethan adds. He’s calm. Deadly calm. I can tell he is fuming at his ex-girlfriend.

“Yeah,” Elliot huffs, running a hand through his bed hair. “Him and Jade,” he confirms. “They made Billie believe it was her fault and…”

Since Elliot doesn’t have the courage to keep going, Ethan takes over. “Sawyer beat her and wanted to rape her. He was making a point to show her you weren’t there when she needed you the most. They told her you were with someone else. Jade even had the necklace of hickeys to prove it. Obviously, Sawyer must have been the one to give it to her. Jade stopped Sawyer from raping her. She wanted her own revenge. Beat her up instead. Carved the Kings’ crown into her neck because Billie had given her a pathway for tears.”

I’m yanking at my hair now and need to get up. Anxious energy zaps through my body, forcing me to pace around the room.

“What…what the fuck?!” I rage. “What the fuck were you two doing? Watching the show and enjoying yourselves?”

“Man, I tried,” Elliot fights back, getting up too. “Have you ever tried to get past Hook? He’s a fucking mountain. He pushed me back once, twice. Threatened me. When Sawyer asks what crew you’re defending, you shut the fuck up and sit down like everyone would have.”

“No,” I seethe as I grab him by the collar of his shirt. “You fucking do something about it when an innocent girl is being beaten up.”

“Wake up, Caden!” he rages as he shoves me off him. “Billie is notinnocent, she’s fucking NSC. The only person who put her in danger isyou. At least I calmed them down. As soon as she passed out, I convinced them to leave her alone, to wait until the morning to do anything else. I bought her time. We defended your girl.”

Finding nothing to blame him with anymore, yet refusing to give up, I turn to Ethan. “Where the fuck were you, huh?”