Page 129 of Beautiful Fiend

“Are you taking me home?” she asks quietly after a few minutes of driving. She knows I’m not. We’re not going her way at all.

“I think you know the answer to that question.”

“Where, then?”

Choosing to let her simmer in her fear for a little longer, I don’t answer.

“Caden, I’ve got a morning shift tomorrow. I can’t stay out forever.”

“Not forever,” I taunt. “Just enough for me to teach you a lesson.”

She shifts in her seat, and I glance at her, watching the way her thighs tighten.

“Do you get turned on knowing you’re about to be punished?”

“No,” she huffs out. “You’re crazy.”

“I am so fucking crazy when it comes to you, baby,” I mutter. “Obsessive jealousy, keep-you-to-myself-forever crazy. You’ve seen nothing till now. But you just wait.”

Ten minutes later, we’re parked in front of the place I’ve been dying to take her to for weeks. I’d managed to keep hold of myself until tonight. I guess no more.

I walk to her side and grab her upper arm tightly, forcing her out of the car. “What are you doing,” she hisses.

“Making sure you don’t run away.”

As I expected, her eyes widen when she sees the tattoo parlor. She tries to stop, but I keep walking, and she’s forced to follow.

“What the fuck!” Her attempts to get away from my hold are getting my dick hard.

I push the door open, and I’m greeted by Nick, the man who has done every one of my tattoos.

“Caden,” he cheers. “I wasn’t expecting you, man.”

“Cancel the rest of your night.”

He looks at Billie then back at me. “You or her?”


“Absolutely fucking not,” Billie resists some more. She glares at Nick. “Touch me, and I’m punching your lights out.”

There’s a slight pause while I smile to myself. “She’s capable,” I tell Nick. “But she won’t because I’ll be holding her down.”

“Caden,” she snarls. “Get this idea out of your head. Right now.”

I drag her to the tattoo chair at the back of the shop, and her fighting gets more resilient. “Stop…I’m serious,stop.”

It’s so easy to force her small form onto the chair that I almost feel bad. I watch Nick lock the shop and draw the blinds before coming to the back.

“Stop fighting me, little bee,” I threaten low.

“You’re about to mark me permanently,” she fumes back. “I’ll fight all I fucking want.”

“But it’s so useless,” I say deadpan. “I’m just dying to see what will happen when you try to make me jealous after tonight.”

“I wasn’t trying to make you jealous,” she grits.

“That’s a lie, and we both know it.”