Page 122 of Beautiful Fiend

But hope is gleaming in Billie’s eyes right now, and I grin back at her.

“Oh, oh, I know!” she exclaims. “We can go on the bullet train! Oh my god, that would be crazy.” Her delighted voice makes my entire body feel light. I love her, and I want nothing but the best for her.

“That would be so cool,” I confirm. “What else?”

“Umm,” she quietens while thinking. “I don’t know. The night markets?”

“Fuck yeah.”

Her voice is lower now. I suggest a few more things, and she nods. Her eyes get heavier and her breathing deeper.

“I wonder if they do an excursion to Mount Fuji,” I add as I yawn.

“Uh-huh.” She nods as her eyelids drop. Smiling, I run my hand through her hair.

“Do you like sushi?” I ask quietly.

“Don’t know.” Barely a murmur now.

“What about ramen?”

She’s fighting sleep, but her eyes are closed and her voice quasi-inaudible. “Don’t know.”

I want to google all the Japanese food and keep asking her just to hear her softly spoken words as she tries to stay awake with me.

“We’re going to do so many things together, little bee. I promise.”

A small smile pulls at her lips, but her breathing is slow, and her head heavy on my chest.

“Goodnight, baby. I love you.” She can’t hear me, but I like knowing I said it again.

I want to repeat it until my voice is raw and she can’t stand it anymore.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.



Problems - Jake Daniels

I park my car in front of the three-story house and look around me. They’re not Stoneview rich around here, but they’ve got it good for sure.

The South bank of Silver Falls is mainly for middle-class families and the house I’m looking at screams upper-middle class. I leave my car and check the address I’ve been texted. Dylan, that kid who thinks of himself as a TV presenter and films all of Billie’s fights to put them on his channel,FollowTheFight, has been helping me. When I told him what I was up to, he found all the info I needed. It seems he genuinely likes Billie—a little too much, in my opinion. But the kid is helping me, so I can’t really kill him.

Now that I’m sure I’m at the right place, I walk to the gated property and ring their bell.

“Yes?” A sweet voice comes through the interphone.

“Hi, my name’s Caden. I was told Carla Rupert lives here?”

“What is it for?”

“I’m coming on behalf of the Silver Falls MMA gym. It’s regarding her next fight with Killer Clover.”