Page 101 of Beautiful Fiend

Calmness wraps around me, and my entire body relaxes as I grab the weapon at the back of my jeans. Xi has no time to react before I pounce on him. I grab the back of his neck and keep him close against me as I stab him in the stomach with my switchblade.

“That’s for putting two defenseless little girls in danger,” I say with unmatchable peace in my voice.

He grunts painfully when I pull out the blade. Then I stab him again.

“That’s for stealing from us,” I keep going.

I pull out again as he wheezes for air. His hands come to grab my shoulders to help himself stay up.

I stab him a third time. It’s deep and violent.

“And that’s for putting your hands on my girl.”

I retrieve my blade for the last time and let go of him. He falls to the floor, grunting in pain as he tries to take a breath. His hands come to cover his wounds and I smile down at him.

“I doubt that’ll help.”

I turn to Racer and Logan. They’re watching their boss die helplessly since Ethan is still pointing a gun at them.

“You guys should take care of him. I think he’s feeling unwell. And next time you come for the Kings, remember we rule this fucking town and everyone in it. Including your pathetic crew.”

We get back into Jade’s car and drive away.

I keep running my hand through my hair, messing it up, and trying to put it back together again. The strands fall in my eyes, pissing me off and making me pull at my roots.

I can’t get Billie and Xi out of my head. I can’t stop imagining his hands on hers. Caressing her porcelain skin. Her big doe-eyes peering up at him from her small height as he grabs her waist. I keep thinking of his dick ramming inside her while she gives him the moans that belong to me. She sounds so perfect when she comes, too perfect to share.

I run my hand over my eyes and finally say, “How do you win a girl back?” I ask everyone in the car.

There’s a beat of silence before Ethan slowly says, “I guess I would start by not stabbing her stepbrother.”

I hit my head on the headrest and huff. “He fucking had it coming.”

“You made the right call,” Jade confirms. “NSC needs to know they can’t fuck with us. And Sawyer would approve. He’ll be happy when we tell him.”

“I’m glad we sorted that out for you, Jade,” I say bitterly. “Back to my problem now.”

“Just take her on a date or something,” Elliot finally says.

I look back at him, raising an eyebrow. I’m surprised he’s on my side.

“Brother,” Elliot laughs low. “We just want you to stop talking about her. If helping you get her back will do that, I’ll fucking help you.”

I grin at him. “A date, huh?”

“You’re asking Cade to spend his money on someone? Have you forgotten how cheap he is?” Jade chimes in.

My friends love to remind me that I don’t spend any money. What they forget is that I have a reason for it. I’m saving to leave. I never spend money on things that don’t help me toward that goal. But Billie is different. A queen deserves all the gold in the world.

“A date sounds good,” I nod to myself. “I can take her to a nice restaurant in Silver Falls or something.”

Jade gives me a look. “Wow, you’re actually gonna spend money on her?”

Ignoring her remark, I tell Elliot, “She’s never gonna say yes to a date, though.”

“When has that ever been a problem for you?” Ethan says with that seriousness of his.

That’s true.