Page 76 of Beautiful Fiend

“Oh, little bee,” he says in fake disappointment. “We were having such a good time.”

I feel my eyes widen as he approaches. I need to run, move out of the way, fucking do something. I’m not facing the Caden I’ve been getting to know over the last few weeks.

This is the wicked man who holds no pity for his enemies.

Maybe it’s naivety that keeps me from moving. The fact that I think I can still bring him to his senses.

Or maybe it’s fear that freezes me into place.

Either way, in two long steps, he’s by the side of the mattress, staring down at me.

And it’s too late for me to go anywhere.

“Caden,” I try. “Talk to me.”

His lips start spreading into a smile. Charming enough to lure his prey closer. So close that it’s too late when they understand it was a lethal smile all along.

He crouches next to me and brings a hand to my cheek, caressing it softly with his thumb. He smells different than usual, but I can’t quite place it.

“Did you know?”

“Know what?” My voice is wobbly, and fear so evident in it makes him smile wider.

“What they were gonna do?”

I shake my head. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I knew they were going to do something, just not what exactly.

I still don’t know what they did.

He chuckles softly to himself, shaking his head. Honesty rings in his words when he says, “I was so patient with you. Ready to minimize who I was, just so I could fit into that tiny box of things you can handle without breaking apart.”

My gulp is loud in the room, and he brings his hand to my throat, grazing it with the tips of his fingers. “Now, I’m going to hurt you.”

“No,” I whimper. “Tell me what happened. Please, I want to understand.”

The soft grazing turns into a handful. I gasp when he squeezes hard for a few seconds then releases, still keeping his hand around my throat. A rush of dizziness overcomes me before I can see straight again.

I put a hand on his forearm, about to speak.

“Tsk, tsk,” he tuts me. “The time for talking is over. It’s time to cry now.”

He drags me along the mattress and flips me on my front violently. I gasp loudly as he forces me out of my hoodie. Just as I’m about to cry out for help, I’m the one who stops myself.

For what?

So my mom can wake up and see me in this position?

By the time she hears me, she’ll be too late.

If—and that’s a big if—she hears me through her meds’ sleep, all she’ll be able to do is watch as Caden King breaks me yet again.

All it’ll do is make her worse. Push her deeper underwater.

And what if he hurts her? He’s never had any problem hurting me, and he likes me. I know he does.

He doesn’t like my mom. He doesn’t care. He’ll harm her, maybe kill her.

There is no limit for Caden. Nothing can stop him from hurting people but himself. There are no rules and no laws for him. No sense of decency or respect.