Page 44 of Beautiful Fiend

I tug at my Good Charlotte hoodie. It’s the cover of an old album of theirs and saysThe Young and The Hopelesson it. “They’re a great band.”

"Were you even born when that album came out?”

“We’re the same age,” I say annoyingly, narrowing my eyes at him.

He shrugs. “I don’t know. Apparently, you’re forty and used to listen to Good Charlotte in your young days.”

“Oh, shut up, will you?”

“Let’s go,” he snickers as he heads into his car.

I let Murder into the back of mine and climb into the driver’s seat before following Caden all the way to the garage.

He parks in the lot right outside, and I stop my car right beside his. I let my dog out and grab her leash before he joins me.

“You’re gonna take her everywhere you go, now?”

“Yup,” I pop the ‘p’ and smile at him as she growls his way. “She can sense when people only want to hurt me.”

He cocks an eyebrow at me, and our conversation is cut short by a girl in an oversized denim jumpsuit coming our way. She’s wiping her hands with a cloth, removing black grease off them.

“Hey, Cade,” she beams brightly. And just like that, I know he fucked her.

“Ashley, Billie, Billie, Ashley.” I nod at her, and she does the same. Everyone knows I’m NSC, there’s no need to pretend otherwise.

“It’s just a light,” Caden says, as if justifying bringing a car from the opposing gang to her garage. “She’s doing a job for me. Can’t risk her getting arrested.”

“No judgment from me,” she replies, approaching my car. “It won’t take me long.”

“We’ll be at the Basement,” he tells her. “Just call me.”

“Got it,” she throws back without looking at us.

I know the Basement. It’s a shitty diner not far from here. I’ve never been because it’s always been in Kings’ territory.

I follow Caden across the road and down two blocks. “I’m not hungry,” I repeat for the third time once we get there.

“No?” He turns to Murder. “What about you, girl? You hungry? Huh?”

She starts wiggling her tail and gives him a sweetwoof!

“That’s what I thought. Come on.” He snaps his fingers, and she follows him inside. I’ve got no choice except to follow or drop the leash.

“Fucking traitor,” I mumble at her.

We walk down a flight of stairs and into the basement that gave its name to the diner.

“What sort of food do you like, Billie?” Caden asks casually as we slide into a booth.

I attach Murder’s leash to the metal leg of the table and sit back. The old vinyl of the bench creaks under me. Most of it is taped back with gray duct tape and the plastic of the table is falling apart. Not too bad for a North Shore diner. It smells good, of frying oil and pancake batter.

I finally look up at Caden. “I’m not making small talk with you. We’re waiting for my car that you’re fixing because you’re blackmailing me into doing a dangerous job for you with a video of me that you have from sexually assaulting me. If you think I want to make small talk, you’re strongly mistaken.”

He runs a hand through his hair and grabs a laminated menu. “I personally love pancakes with just the sweet stuff on it. None of those savory bits like bacon and eggs. I just want blueberries and maple syrup. Maybe some chocolate sauce.”

I ignore him, grabbing my own menu so I don’t have to gaze at him. When he realizes I truly don’t want to talk, he adds, “I hope it’ll taste as sweet as your pussy.”

I snap my head up from my menu and beg for my look to kill him. “What did you just say?”