Page 39 of Beautiful Fiend

“Believe me, he won’t,” Elliot chuckles. “I’d like to keep my head attached to my body if you don’t mind. You might have the King last name, but we don’t.”

“Anyone else we have to kill tonight because they did something bad in your fantasy world where you have a chance with Billie Scott?” Ethan asks.

I shrug. “Nah, we’re good.”

“Sweet, let’s get some food,” Elliot claps.

“I’m fucking starving,” I agree.

On the way out, I call one of our guys. “Oran, my man,” I say sweetly into the phone. “Listen, I just saw a few NSC guys leave Matthew’s house. I’m on my way to something now, though. Can you check on him? Hopefully, he wasn’t there and they just stole some shit, but I want to make sure our guy is okay.”

My lie falls so effortlessly off my lips that I feel like a supervillain in a hero movie. Oran is going to find three dead bodies and put them on NSC—a perfect end to a really shit Monday.



A Girl Called Jazz - Omido, Tobi Swizz

My keys drop just as I try to stick them into the lock of my front door, and I have to hold back a shriek of frustration as I bend down to pick them up. Today is not my day. I went to classes and got reprimanded by three of my professors for not showing up last week. I thought the teaching staff wasn’t meant to care at college.

Then, I was less than average at training, and Dickie was on me telling me he knew I was at the warehouse last Friday for an illegal fight. It didn’t matter that I was just watching; he was still mad at me. If he loses his shit for that, I can’t imagine him knowing I’ll be moving supplies for Caden tomorrow.

A bark resonates behind my front door and I take a step back, keys now in my hand. Is there a dog in my house?

I hear my dad shouting something and Emma screaming.

What if some Kings have shown up with a dangerous dog and are threatening my family?

I’m pushing the door open before I can even finish my thought. My Kershaw knife is out and I’m pointing at whatever I will find behind it.

“Put that shit away!” Dad shouts before I can register what is going on.

Emma is standing on the sofa with a gun in her hand, pointing at a huge Doberman running in circles around the living room. My dad is chasing after it, a collar in his hand, clearly trying to put it on the dog.

None of them have even noticed me yet. My dad just shouted his words at my sister for her to put the gun away, I suppose.

Her response is another scream as the dog comes to bark at her, and she points the gun down. “Dad, you know dogs terrify me! Why would you do this, for fuck’s sake?!”

“What the hell is going on,” I huff as I throw my bag down by the door and advance into the living room.

“Billie!” my dad shouts in surprise. “I thought you were at your mom’s tonight.”

“She didn’t want to see me,” I shrug, pretending I’m not affected when my heart is actually broken by it. The problem with my mom’s illness is that when she needs to isolate, she will hate the entire world. Her children included. When I showed up tonight, she wasn’t the cheery woman she was last week. She slammed the door in my face without a word, and when I tried calling her, she simply said to leave her alone before hanging up on me.

“Aw, no. I’m sorry, kiddo. You know it’s not your fault, right?”

I nod silently, and another bark, followed by a shriek from Emma, ends the conversation about my mom. I put my knife away and snicker at Emma. “That screaming woman on your sofa runs your crew, you know?”

“Shut up,” Emma fights back. “That dog is dangerous. Leash it already!”

I observe the beast wagging its tail and attempting to lick Emma’s shoes. The dog does a circle trying to bite its tail and then barks at Emma again. It turns to my dad, though as soon as he steps forward toward the dog, it runs around the room again.

“It thinks it’s a game.” I roll my eyes. “You two are so bad with animals.” I take the collar from Dad and whistle at the dog. I tap my thigh, and it barks happily as it trots to me. “Hi, beauty,” I smile. “What have these two been up to, huh? Com’ere.” As soon as it settles by me and does a circle, I notice the lack of male apparatus. “Oh, you’re a pretty girl!” I say happily. She rubs against me as I kneel in front of her. As she tries to nestle in the crook of my neck, I slip the collar around hers.

“There you go! What a good girl,” I cheer. I stand back up and keep petting her as I turn to my dad. “So, you’ve got a dog now?”

“No,” he smiles. “You’vegot a dog now.”