Page 34 of Beautiful Fiend

In the meantime, I need to make money. I hop in my car and put onGucci Coffinby Josh A and iamjakehill so loud it practically shatters my windows. Then I floor it all the way to Stoneview. I can’t afford to be late for any tutoring lessons.

The rich kids eye my shitty car as I drive past their prep school so I lower my window and offer them my ringed middle finger. I hear one of the girls in a group talk to her friend as I’m forced to stop at a red light.

“That’s Caden King,” a tall blonde one says.

“He’s part of a gang. Did you know?” the other adds.

“So hot,” the third concludes.

“I would literally give my left kidney to attend a North Shore party,” the first one starts again.

Ah fuck. They’re gonna talk to me, aren’t they? I tap my finger on the wheel as I pray for that light to turn green before they reach my car.

No such luck, sadly.

“Hey, you’re Caden, right?” the blonde one asks as she leans a hip on my car and rests a hand on my door so I can’t put up the window.

I lick my lips and give her a smile. “At your service, Stoneview princess.”

She rolls her eyes, pretending not to be affected. “Don’t you tutor Harry Malone?”

“That’s right. Gotta make honest money somewhere.”

“I’m really struggling with math too.” She pouts, pushing out her lower lip before giving me a bright smile. “Maybe you could help me.”

The two girls behind her giggle.

“My schedule is full.” I’m a bit done with her shitty flirting. When is this fucking light turning green?

“Okay, well, just invite me to one of your parties, then.” She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder.

“You wanna come to a North Shore party, princess?” She nods and bites her lower lip. I reach into my pocket, pull out my switchblade, and press to get the blade out. “How healthy is that kidney of yours?”

Her eyes practically pop out of her head as she takes a step back. “What the hell!”

I cackle, throwing my head back. “Go back to your prep school.”

The light finally turns green, and I speed away.

“Hey,” I smile sweetly as Harry opens the door.

“Hey, man. Come in.”

“Caden, hi!” his mother exclaims from the living room as we’re walking up the stairs to his room.

“Hello, Mrs. Malone.” I wave.

“Oh please, Mrs. Malone is my mother. You know to call me Chantale.”

“Of course, Chantale,” I force before following Harry.

We settle at his desk in his bedroom and go over his homework. The kid isn’t even bad at math, his parents just love spending money. After reviewing his work, I give him a few more complex problems to solve. I check my phone and find the text I’ve been dreading while perfectly knowing it was inevitable.

“Alright, I’ll give you fifteen. Just gonna make a call outside.”

He nods, already immersed in the exercise, with his nose practically touching the notebook in front of him.

I come out of his bedroom and climb another set of stairs. The long hallway leads me to the master bedroom. I don’t knock, simply push the door open and lock it behind me.