Page 2 of Beautiful Fiend

Pushing past the crowd, I see Jake on the floor, being strangled by the Wolf guy.

“Shit,” Xi hisses as we both helplessly watch as Jake loses consciousness. “We need to get out of here.”

A bell rings, and Jake’s opponent stands up, his fists raised in the air and a bloody smile on his face.

My heart drops when I see Jake’s unconscious body on the floor. “He’s dead,” I murmur to myself more than anyone else.

Xi grabs my upper arm and pulls me. “Come on, let’s go.” He drags me for a few feet, but a crowd shift separates us and as much as I look around, I can’t find him anymore.

He knows not to wait for me. We have to split and run away before the Kings eat us alive.

I struggle to take in what’s happening. Half an hour ago, I was with him in the changing rooms, helping him prepare for his death.

Worse than that…we lost.

The tables are turning, and this town will belong to the Kings by tomorrow morning. I hear a gunshot and drop to the floor. Someone screams, and the crowd movement turns into a rush of panic. I stand back up right away to avoid what is about to turn into a stampede.

My phone beeps, and I grab it out of my pocket, going to a secluded space. More screams fill the huge warehouse. The Kings’ crew is having a blast watching our downfall and they’re taking advantage of the Wolves being here to get rid of some of us.

I look down at my screen and read the text from my sister, Emma.

Emma: Where the hell are you? Caden King is looking for you. Go home right now.

My heart drops to my stomach. Caden is the youngest son in therealKing family. The ones who started their crew. He is a ruthless bastard, completely unhinged, with a penchant for making people suffer.

During our high school years, the North Shore Crew has been ruling this town, and I’ve taken my fair share of pleasure being a bitch to him and his friends.

Now that they’re witnessing our downfall, he will get his revenge. I know it.

My heart kicks into an unhealthy rhythm, and I hurry in the opposite direction the crowd is taking. They’re all going to the main exit, and I’ll go through the back, where I’m sure Caden won’t be waiting for me.

Walking past the ring, I notice Jake’s body is gone. There’s a small girl still waiting in front of the ring. People are pushing past her, but she doesn’t move or react. Her gaze is stuck to the exact spot Jake died.

It’s Jake’s girlfriend.

Just leave her here. Don’t worry about her.

“Jamie,” I call.

Fuck. I don’t have time right now to be taking care of some girl who has no idea what is truly going on here. She didn’t even hear me, lost in her own world.

“Jamie,” I repeat in a hiss. “Wake the fuck up. We need to leave. This place is about to turn into Wolf Central, and if we stay one more minute, we’re dead meat.”

She looks at me, but her gaze is vacant. She’s in shock and is going to get me killed.

“Come on,” I insist. “Don’t make me regret trying to save your ass.” I grab her hand and make my way through the crowd to get to the back. I don’t stop until we’re outside. There aren’t as many people here as inside, but some have found their way.

Someone calls my name, and I freeze at the sound of his voice. There’s danger in it, and I know it’s all for me.

“Fuck,” I huff. I watch Caden King make his way to us, a carnal smile spreading on his stupidly handsome face. I take a step back, still holding Jamie. “Fuck. Fuck. Jamie…RUN.”

Keeping her close, I break into a sprint, leading us to an alleyway I know belongs to us. Surely, they won’t follow us there.

Things are changing.

What if they don’t care about the limits we have set for our respective crews? This place is a perfect dealing spot and we had banned the Kings from coming here. That was before we lost a fight against them in the Death Cage, of course.

I lie against the brick wall surrounding the alley, holding my ribs as I try to catch my breath. Turning to Jamie, my anger finds her as an outlet.