Page 65 of Smoke Show

I blinked. My free-spirited mother getting a tattoo was plausible. Her doing it for my dad? Not so much.

"Why?" I asked, mystified.

She turned her head toward me. "Obviously, that was meant to end this conversation, Brady. But darling, you never could take a hint. I wanted to get a tattoo that meant something to me. It’s more sentimental than anything sexy, but your dad seemed to like the idea too. Maybe next time I’ll get something hotter. You have to work hard to keep things spicy after a certain number of years." She glanced meaningfully at Eve. "Perhaps someday you'll understand."

I made the mistake of focusing too hard on Eve's capable hands and the design she was etching into my mother. Beads of blood welled from the design, and I put out a hand, bracing myself against the door. Blood rushed in my ears, making everything seem far away. My gaze narrowed, tunneling in on those drops of red peppering my mother's shoulder, and I swallowed. Heat flushed into my cheeks, and my stomach threatened to revolt as the world swam around me.

"Brady? Brady!"

I tore my gaze from the bloody mess, Eve's hands forcibly redirecting my gaze to her concerned expression.

"Come sit down," she urged, tugging me toward her couch and pushing down on my shoulders until I complied.

Still queasy, I ducked my head down below my knees, willing the world to stop spinning.

"Breathe," Eve said softly, rubbing between my shoulder blades.

Slowly, the steady rhythm and weight of her hand making circles on my back penetrated, helping me fill my lungs. I took another few deep breaths before sitting upright, studiously avoiding looking at my mother.

"He'll be fine dear. Just give him a moment," my mom said. "He gets a little loopy at the sight of blood."

Eve connected the dots, her expression one of sympathy. She glanced down at her healing palm, new comprehension dawning.

"Sorry, Brady. You should have warned me," Eve murmured.

I shrugged, embarrassed.

I should have. Stupid pride. I'd grown adept at avoiding blood. Ever since Joe's accident, the sight of it made me woozy, activating my fight or flight response.

I shrugged, grinning sheepishly to try to erase her concerned frown.

"I'm okay. Mom just caught me by surprise is all."


"I'll be fine."

"Your color does look better," she said, examining me. "But let me turn on my tea kettle. You rest there while I wrap up."

I drowned the last vestiges of my embarrassment in sweet tea, relieved that my mother was fully dressed again.

"Good night, dears." My mother winked at me. "I'm looking forward to tomorrow's auction. You're my favorite bachelor, you know that?"

I groaned softly. "Thanks, Mom."

Shaking my head, I looked ruefully at Eve after my mom stepped outside. "Sorry about that."

"No apologies necessary," she said. "I just wish you'd told me."

I lifted a shoulder. "Blame it on my macho pride."

"A lot of people are squeamish around blood, it's nothing to be ashamed of." She bit her lip.

"What?" I prompted.

"Is it because of Joe's accident?" she asked softly, watching me.

"Probably," I acknowledged. "It's one of my clearest memories – trying to staunch the blood."