Page 35 of Smoke Show

Zander cracked a smile. "Wait. Let me guess – Grizzly tattoos, that say, "It's a great day to be a Grizzly?"

I flicked my own potato chip at him. "Maybe," I grumbled.

Ivan chuckled, shaking his head. "Man, you've gotta get a new catch phrase."

"I don't say it that much."

Cole's brows arched. "It's like a disease. Every time you get a mic at a school event."

Not wanting to admit they were right, I tried to keep them on track.

"Guys, this is not helping. Come on, ideas?"

"How about keeping it simple – just dinner and dancing at the golf course," Zander suggested.

"I want something special. A date someone would be really excited about."

Ivan smirked. "Someone, orEve?"

I could feel the wash of color heating my skin. Trust Ivan to call me out. Izzy had likely told him about our pizza dates, not that there were really any secrets in Campfire.

Four sets of interested eyes waited me out, and finally, I grumbled, "Eve."

"What does she like?"

"Obviously, aside from you," Ivan added generously.

I mined my memory for tidbits, struggling to come up with anything helpful.

"Art… independence… graphic design and tattooing…"

"What about taking her to an art show?" Zander asked.

"I suppose we could do a day trip to Spokane or Coeur d'Alene…"

"A day trip?" Davis looked at me pityingly. "Okay, then."

"Or an overnight, maybe a show if I can get tickets to something good?"

"Now you're talking," Davis said, a rare flicker of approval in his eyes.

"With hotel rooms at the Davenport," Ivan suggested, naming a historic hotel in Spokane. "Shoot. I should've held onto that one. I still don't know what I'm going to do for Izzy."

"How about a real mini honeymoon?" I asked. "A getaway to somewhere warm."

Davis clapped his hands together. "Problem solved, let's play."

Slowly, I passed the deck to Cole. Maybe my problems weren't solved-solved, but my friends had given me some good ideas, and there was time to do my homework and pull together a date that would really impress Eve.

Something about her dauntless energy, the way she gave to others around her, made me want to pamper her for once. She was always so busy, helping me with the play, or the council with town events, plus managing the demands of her own business. I wanted to give her a date to remember.

Assuming, of course, that she bid on me.

Chapter 14


Ipickedmywayalong the path to the firepit at the Pruitt Farm, eager to join my friends around the warmth of the fire. It was full dark already, thanks to the shorter days and longer nights as we approached the solstice. Thankfully, snow had held off, though it was cold enough that I could see every breath, a ghost of every exhale.