Page 4 of Pause

“Has someone called him?”

“She probably pressured him into this wedding.”

“He has the right to change his mind.”

“Was this a shotgun wedding?”

“No one should be forced into marriage.”

That’s when I catch Gram’s gaze. Tears are quietly pouring down her wrinkled face as she stands there watching me with a pitiful expression. She’s a sweetheart. Blu was lucky to be raised by her. Too bad it didn’t erase the damage caused by his parents. I wish I could alleviate Gram’s pain.

I can’t even control my own.

I notice my father standing in the doorway, a sympathetic look on his face. He’ll no longer have the sweet privilege of walking me down the aisle today.Daddy, I cry inwardly, wanting to throw myself into his arms so he can make everything better.

He reads my mind, rushing to embrace me. It’s my undoing. Tears start to fall, leaving a wet patch on his perfect tux.

“Everything will be all right, sweetheart. You’ll see.” Dad’s deep voice comforts me. He pushes back a little bit, holding my shoulders, and looks me in the eyes. “This isn’t the end of the world. Don’t you dare think it is. Promise me. A new chapter, yes. A new beginning, yes. But not the end. Never the end.”

I nod. Whether it’s a negative or positive nod, nobody knows, not even me. One thing I know for sure, it’s the end of life as I know it.

I appreciate Dad’s attempt to make me feel better. I know his words are true and wise, but I can’t see the common sense in them at the moment.

“Kira?” he says, a cry for help. Fathers can soothe like no other, but female tears often require another female.

Kira doesn’t hesitate. She grabs me by the arm and escorts me to the plush private dressing room. I kick off my heels and let my feet sink into the thick sage carpet. When she closes the door, a blessed rush of silence fills the space. The air conditioning cools my hot cheeks, but the floral scent in the air is now making me ill.

“I have to get out of here. Right now. Help me,” I plead.

Kira grabs car keys from the dresser. “Take the honeymoon car.”

“Blu rented the car. I can’t.”

He was excited about the car he’d rented, even though all we would’ve done was make our fancy exit from our wedding, then drive it to the airport and leave it at the rental counter.

“I rented a convertible. A Nissan Murano,” he’d told me. “Your veil will fly behind you in the wind as we drive away.”

The thought gave me visions of dying like the famous early 1900s dancer, Isadora Duncan. She was riding in a convertible and let her long scarf fly behind her in the wind. The scarf got caught in the rear passenger wheel of the car, quickly tangling in the axle. The scarf strangled her and pulled her from the car. She died instantly. I watched a documentary about her “free spirit” life while snuggled on the couch with Mom when I was a teenager. We’d both found her death tragic. It’s always stuck with me.

I’d found myself saying, “Wow. Fancy, schmancy.” I’d absentmindedly pulled at the neckline of my clothing, reminding myself tonotlet the veil get tangled around my neck. Then we’d laughed, and he’d hugged me, and all was right with the world.

Now everything is so very wrong.

“He’s on his way to Cancun. He won’t be needing it.” There’s an edge to Kira’s voice. I know she’s as upset with her cousin as I am.

“Where will I go?”

“Anywhere you want. Choose a spot. You deserve to get away for a while. Blu’s doing it, and you should too. No guilt. Give yourself time to mourn, time to recover. Do it, Marin. I’ll take care of everything here.”

“Mom. She’s gonna be so upset. I have to talk to her.”

“Your dad and I will explain. Don’t worry. Call her when you reach your destination so she knows you’re safe. And call me too.”

Kira rushes forward, hugging me tight. “I’m so sorry. I don’t understand why he’s doing this. I know he loves you.”

I cling to her, absorbing her comfort. I still can’t process what has happened. The happiest day of my life has turned into the worst day of my life.

“Come with me?” I ask Kira.