Lately, however, I find out what needs to be done around here and I do it. Sun up to sundown. I’m here to support Slade. We’re in this together.
WE MADE ITthrough the Great Pipe Burst Disaster. In just two weeks, the doors of Sheridan House have opened once again. Somehow, Slade made it happen.
There’s still been zero talk of marriage, even though we’re surrounded by it. We used to blurt out Freudian slips about marriage and call each other out on them. Now, nothing but crickets.
I’ve made a decision. I’m going to make a few hints to Slade and see how he responds. It’s time we communicate.
In a roundabout, beat-around-the-bush kind of way, because I’m still stuck on the wholepursue mething. I want him to want me, to beg me to end this torture and marry him immediately.
Once dinner is finished, we enjoy a mean game ofYahtzee.Then Matteo and Lauren head for home, and Dex and Joss go to bed. Finally, some alone time for Slade and me. We bundle up in coats, hats, and gloves and head for the patio to bask in the cold ocean air. We pull our chairs close, sitting side by side.
I stretch my arms above my head. “You know what? I look forward to doing this for the rest of my life.”
Slade takes my hand and squeezes it. “Me too.”
I rest my head on his shoulder. “I like being with you every day. It never gets old. I think that says a lot about us.”
“I love being with you too.” Slade rests his head on mine.
I need to be more direct. “Do you realize we’ve known each other for seven and a half months? No more worries about not knowing each other long enough.”
“And I love you more now than I did in the beginning,” Slade says sleepily. “It only getsss better.”
“Are you falling asleep?”
“Sorry. It’s been a long day and I’m beat.” He sits up and shakes his head.
“It’s okay.” He’s still tired from all the work it took to get Sheridan House back in order. He’s slowly catching up. I’ll try another tactic. “Lauren and Matteo, Dex and Joss—they sure make marriage look good. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Yeah, they sure are happy.”
My brows knit. Short of blurting outLet’s get married right now,I’m not sure what to say.
“My mom and dad are celebrating their thirtieth wedding anniversary this month. Isn’t that amazing? I want that.” Like really soon. I’d be happy with a one-month anniversary celebration.
“We should throw a party for them. What do ya think?”
“They’d love that.” I let out a sigh. My heart’s dropping into my stomach. I know Slade was cautious about jumping into marriage for my sake. With good reason. It appears he’s still wary.
I try again. “Did you know the Seaside Inn has an event hall for wedding receptions? I hear it’s really nice.”
“We’ll have to keep that in mind. When should we plan for your parents’ party? Better get it on the calendar.”
Now I’ve managed to distract him. “I’ll check with them and let you know.”
“Sounds good.”
Slade wraps his arm around me. “Love you, sweetheart.”
“Love you too.” I mull over our conversation. Nothing seems to be giving him the clue that I want to talk about marriage. “Do you believe in soulmates?”
“I do. And you’re it, baby.”
Slade cups my chin and we share a passionate kiss. Why am I so worried? Our wedding day is like the next big blockbuster movie.
Coming soon.