Page 112 of Pause

After thirty minutes, no one notices me. I worried over nothing. Everyone’s too busy being happy. With all the light conversation going on around me, I learn a little tidbit. Slade is the owner of the bed-and-breakfast they were married in front of, Sheridan House. Interesting.

Of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve been here. Once I found out where she was, I came in search of her. I wanted to ask for a second chance. I was sure she’d give it to me…until I saw her with Slade. I didn’t know who he was at the time. I was headed for the entrance of Sheridan House when they burst out the doors. Didn’t even see me. They took a long walk along the surf, holding hands. Kissing.

It was a cold and windy day at the beach. I was bundled up in a beanie, a large scarf wrapped up to cover half my face, and a jacket. An easy disguise.

Yes, I followed them. From a distance. Yes, it felt weird.

I knew right away I’d lost her, that she’d moved on. There was something about the way she looked at Slade. She’d never looked at me like that.

Yes, I followed Marin a few more times after that as she walked along the cold beach. Didn’t have the nerve to approach her, though. Everyone was bundled up. I didn’t look suspicious.

No one knows. It’s my dirty little secret. I’ll never tell a soul.

I went back to Cancun and married the first girl who would give me the time of day. Probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.

Regardless, I need to know I didn’t ruin her life, that she really did find happiness.

A sit-down dinner is served—individual plates with silver dome covers—one for each guest. When they ask if I ordered chicken or roast beef, I say roast beef and hope for the best.

When my plate arrives, I stare at the roast beef, new potatoes, baby carrots, and a roll, with a caprese salad on the side, and inwardly sayholy wow. Marin got her fancy wedding. Good for her.

After dinner, Slade and Marin cut their wedding cake, a monstrosity that’s about as tall as Slade. They get cake all over each other’s faces amid much laughter. What a mess.

Huh. I made her promise we wouldn’t do that to each other at our wedding. Actually, I insisted. I never knew it was something she wanted.

Maybe that’s why she’s doing it. A hugescrew youto me. Marin’s way of saying, “I’ll do whatever I want.”

Or I’m reading too much into it. Making this all about me.

I avert my eyes when they start kissing the frosting off each other. Some things, I don’t need to see. Gross.

After the wedding cake is served, the usual toasts, dances, kisses, and wedding rigmarole take place. I’m not sure why we put ourselves through such silly traditions. They certainly don’t make the marriage last any longer.


Finally, it’s announced that Slade and Marin will be doing their final wedding dance before leaving on their honeymoon to Venice, Italy.

Is a final wedding dance a thing?

And Venice? Wow. You did good for yourself, Marin.

However, once they’re changed and their final wedding dance starts to Shania Twain’s “From This Moment On,” my stomach twists.Please.

Every. Other. Couple. In. America. Dances to this song at their wedding. Be original.

Got to admit, they look good together. They’d make my head turn in passing. Marin’s in a tight black top with a white form-fitting skirt. Gulp. Looks nice with her blonde hair. Slade’s in black jeans, a white dress shirt, and a black blazer. No tie. They’re leaving on their honeymoon in style. Black-and-white-elegance.

But Marin’s veil won’t be flying in the wind as they drive away in a convertible. Nothing’s as good as that visual.

But then Slade and Marin break apart from each other rather abruptly. I sit up in my seat as the audience gasps.

Are they fighting? Uh oh. There’s already trouble in paradise. Bound to happen. It always does. I sort of want to shoutI told you so.

They face the audience, their heads down and shoulders slumped. Slade looks up at the DJ and motions with his hand to cut the music. It snaps off.

There’s several seconds of complete silence as we stare at Slade and Marin looking…defeated.

Then a familiar beat starts to play. Slade and Marin start to tap to the beat. Aw, man. This was planned. Fooled me for a minute there. Clever.